Photo from open sources
From the colonization of Venus (the planet of Love that medieval astronomers called Lucifer) scientists of the XX century refused because its complete unsuitability for human life. However last time, the colonization of the “morning star” again stood on the agenda of the day.
Despite the fact that the temperature on the very surface of Venus reaches 500 degrees Celsius, sunlight does not penetrate here because of the dense sulfur clouds, and the atmosphere of this planet is completely consists of carbon dioxide at a pressure of 93 greater than Earth, modern researchers have come to the conclusion: the colony is still you can create here, only they will have to be built at a height of 50 kilometers.
But how can you build a city at that height? After all, even with modern technology to build such high piles – the cleanest water fiction. However, scientists have found a way: on Venus you can create flying cities. Two ways are suggested: construction super giant airships or use levitation technology, which may soon become available so much that it can be tested on Venus.
And in fact, and in another case, the colonists of this unfriendly the planet will be a huge plus: at this height, gravity in artificial city will be about the same as on Earth, that you can’t say about the Moon and Mars, where thoughts are now rushing many space explorers.
Venus Colonization