The brightness of the comet rose sharply again on November 19.
Astronomers working with the TRAPPIST telescope at ESO’s observatory La Silla, report that comet production of ISON gas and dust grew six times in the first hours of November 19th. This is the second explosion as on November 13, writes Experienced Observers determined the growth of the comet about 4.0, which is much higher threshold of visibility with the naked eye. The problem is that ISON approaching the sun and it is becoming increasingly difficult to observe it. Shahrin Ahmad Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, photographed a green core comets framed by the blue twilight of the morning of November 19:
A photo from open sources
The situation will only worsen as the comet approaches to its close encounter with the Sun on November 28th. Amateur the shooting of the comet can be done for a few more days, and, soon, only a fleet of NASA’s Solar Observatory will be able to track the circumsolar comet. Despite the recent outbreaks, which could be caused by the decay of the ISON core, NASA astronomers from ISON Surveillance Campaigns Consider Comet Still remains unchanged. She must survive the hell of a dive on next week into the atmosphere of the sun. If she survives – what is still is a big question – a comet can turn into magnificent object for observation with the naked eye in the sky northern hemisphere. Observers say the next big event on the ISON comet travel timeline will happen 21 November, when the comet comes into view of NASA STEREO -A spacecraft. The heliospheric thermal imager STEREO -A will begin observe a comet at the same time when terrestrial telescopes begin to lose it out of sight. In the following days, STEREO-B, SOHO and the Solar Observatory speakers join the hunt, providing continuous monitoring Comet ISON all the way to perihelion. Stay with us!