A photo from open sources
In mid-October, the Martian rover “Cusiosity” with the cameras on the manipulator arm took several photographs of his corps and sent them to Earth. Enthusiast Kevin Jill processed all the received pictures, combining them into one common picture.
The picture was taken by a rover on the slope of Mount Sharpe, and in the back plan you can observe the crater Gale. Also clearly visible in front of the rover holes that have been drilled to collect soil samples.
Recent soil analysis results showed that the bottom The investigated crater was filled with water. In the distant past due constantly changing climatic processes crater repeatedly filled with water, and then completely dried up. Further climate planet made it impossible to form such reservoirs. According to researchers, more than 4.2 billion years ago, the climate on Mars was warm and humid, there were rivers and lakes, and most of the north the hemisphere covered the ocean.
In addition to the surrounding landscape, scientists paid special attention to the state of the rover itself. The chassis of the rover is noticeably worn out. This is especially true of one of the middle wheels, which is noticeable crumbled.
A photo from open sources
It turned out that the developers miscalculated somewhat during assessment of the degree of wear of the apparatus, furrowing bumpy terrain little known planet.
Researchers Remotely Take Measures to Reduce degree of wear of the rover undercarriage. First was the route of movement of the device was revised, and in order to save longer damaged wheels, the rover is periodically deployed to move backwards.
Andrey Vetrov
Water Climate Mars Mars Rover Curiosity