Curiosity rover has reached its main goal missions – Aeolian mountains

The mountain is located on the territory of Gale Crater, having a diameter more than 150 km. American rover Curiosity has reached the main goal its mission on the planet is Mount Eolida (unofficial name – Mount Sharpe) and is preparing to drill it in the coming days. About it said at a press conference in Washington the director of planetary Research by the National Aeronautics and Research Administration Outer Space (NASA) Jim Green. Curiosity committed landing on the surface of Mars more than two years ago, will take samples soil in order to determine its structure and chemical composition. TO he will begin this task next week, Green added. He noted that Mount Eolida is located in Gale Crater, with a diameter of more than 150 km. “This hill arouses great interest among scientists in terms of research of new breeds that will help to make a clearer picture of the surface of the Red Planet, “said a NASA spokesman. According to his opinion, “completing this mission will usher in a new chapter in the study.” Mars, around which there are still many mysteries. “One of project managers Curiosity, a California scientist Institute of Technology John Grotzinger emphasized that “travel to Mount Eolida, 8 km from the landing site Mars rover, was long and difficult, since he had repeatedly encountered obstacles in its path. “This will be the third drilling, which will produce Curiosity on Mars. Last time space the device used its drilling rig at the beginning of 2014 at the foot of Gale Crater, before that – in a small hollow, located near the place of its landing on Mars in 2013. Samples obtained from this site of the breed contained evidence the existence of an ancient lake. Curiosity rover has reached the main goal of its mission - Mount AeolidePhotos from open sources NASA believes that this time with Using Curiosity, scientists will be able to obtain valuable information about Mars. It is assumed that the mission of the rover to study Mount Aeolide will last two months. Mission rover Curiosity Open source photo Curiosity arrives on Mars on August 6, 2012 years for exploration over 687 Earth days of Gale Crater. Photos from open sources The device reaches 2.8 m in length and weighs 900 kg It is twice as long and more than five times heavier than any NASA from earlier delivered to the Red Planet. Open Source Photos This science lab has three pairs wheels with a diameter of 50 cm, each of which is driven individual power plant. Front and rear suspension Mars rovers are equipped with special rotary mechanisms. Apparatus able to overcome obstacles up to 75 cm high and do full U-turn in place. This project cost NASA $ 2.5 billion.

Mars NASA Mars Rover Curiosity

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