A photo from open sources
On the Mars rover for six months, the Curiosity rover one of the computers failed, causing the machine to stop to complete the tasks that she is given from Earth. It is reported United States National Aerospace Agency (NASA). Now NASA experts are trying to restart the rover computers, after continue to carry out scientific work which as a result of malfunctions interrupted from Thursday, February 28. Earth Connection Mars Rover maintain still able to perform despite jobs coming from NASA cannot.
The Curiosity rover control system found problems. California engineers found that the device transmits incomplete information and does not turn off to sleep mode, ITAR-TASS clarifies. Scientists decided that the problem lies in the flash-memory of the main control machine “A”. Now the rover is in safe mode using the backup system “B” and reboot it. On the restoration of the “internals” of Curiosity will require several days. Curiosity arrived on Mars on August 6, 2012. Within 687 Earth days, he must explore the crater of Gale. The length of the apparatus is 2.8 meters, weight – 900 kilograms. It is twice as long and more than five times heavier than any NASA device ever launched on Mars. The project cost the United States $ 2.5 billion.
Mars NASA USA Mars Rover Curiosity