Declassified record of flying pieces

A photo from open sources Declassified record of negotiations crew of Apollo 10, which in 1969 made the final test flight to the moon in preparation for the first expedition to Earth satellite. Some English-language media are terribly amused learning from the record of negotiations in the command module of the ship that in at some point right in the air in front of the nose of the astronauts suddenly feces swam.

However, commander Thomas Stafford and pilots John Young and Eugene Cernan was also greeted by “aliens” from the toilet with a laugh, and Stafford, it seems, began to catch them with an ordinary pillowcase. Here’s what it looked like (translation of parts of a record starting at 416 Pages): Thomas: Oh … Who did it? John: Who did what? Eugene: What? T (with a laugh): Who did this? Yu: Where did it come from? T: Hurry, give me a pillowcase. Through the air g ** but floating. D: I do this did not. That’s not mine. Yu: And not mine, I think. T: Mine was more viscous. Throw it out of here. D: God almighty. (Laughter) T: What are you see? D: Nothing, it’s enough with me. Yu: Yeah. D: The beauty which one. Yu: G ** won’t fit here anymore. T: What, waste bin full? D: No, damn, there is nothing there. Yu: It all goes straight in … (Laughter) Astronauts find out that apparently broke pump, and discuss the technical details, accompanying all the rough jokes. After some time, they again notice floating excrement. Eugene (breaking off the previous phrase): And here another piece of g ** on, damn it. What’s wrong with you guys? Well now let me … (Laughter) Yu: Listen baby, if it were me, I would knew exactly what he had done right on the floor. Thomas: It’s just like that flies everywhere? Yu: Yes. T (with a laugh): Mine was thicker than that. John: Mine too. Yu: When I put my finger in mine, it was too soft. Damn those. (Laughter) Yu: I don’t know whose it is. I can neither admit nor deny that it is mine. D: What’s going on here? Yu: I do not know. D: Something is wrong here. According to NBC News Cosmic Log, referring to one of NASA’s reports, Apollo astronauts had a primitive solid waste disposal system. It all came down to that I had to handle the need for packages, which then sealed, immersed in a disinfectant, and then everything it was sent to a waste recycling tank. Process as a whole required special skills.

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