Diamond rains interest NASA more Total

Diamond Rains Interested NASA MostPhoto from open sources

Space agencies, primarily NASA and ESA, completing thirteen-year space mission of the Cassini-Huygens probe to Saturn, they are seriously thinking where to send the next orbital station, in order to get the largest from this project favor.

According to Science Friday, the main interest in American and European astronomers are currently causing ice giants Neptune and Uranus. Of course, we can assume that these the most distant planets from Earth are in the front row astrological interests just because of the great distance to them, which complicates their study. And this is true, but not only.

More and more scientists are interested in the “weather” on these planets, and namely, the diamond rains that are supposedly coming here. Theorists, including experts from the University of California at Berkeley, prove that diamonds literally are on these gas giants fall from the sky. The fact is that on Neptune and Uranus huge reserves methane. Methane thunderstorms characteristic of these places under the effects of natural reactions easily transform the resulting methane carbon into diamond drops or even large diamond gradients, which fall to the surface of these planets.

A photo from open sources

Graduate Student, Department of Physics, University of Laura Robin Benedetti told reporters that she participated in an experiment on the reconstruction of such planetary conditions – and as a result was received diamond dust. Scientists exposed liquid methane to high pressure, passing through it at this moment a laser beam (analog lightning). As a result, methane heated to a huge temperature. and turned into specks of diamond.

Something like that, only on a huge scale should occur on gas giants, which is why interest in them from space agencies are currently upgraded. Reporters sure that the next comic mission will certainly be “diamond.”

NASA Neptune Time

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