Discovered an asteroid July 24, 2013 will pass at a distance of 3.7 million km from Earth

Near-Earth space objects continue to present unexpected surprises. An asteroid has been discovered that will pass at a distance of 3.7 million km from Earth on July 24, 2013Photo from open sources According to CyberSecurity, upcoming days- July 24, 2013- our planet will warm up with a large 100-meter asteroid, about which a week ago there was nothing it is known. Object Recognized Using Slooh Space Camera in the Canary Islands, is a large but surprisingly dark, and therefore not previously discovered asteroid, which will pass at a distance of 11 lunar distances from the Earth. The claimed 3.7 million km by space standards is a very small distance. For comparison, the distance from the Earth to the Sun is about 150 million km The new asteroid is called NE19, now behind it observed by many telescopes around the world, including Slooh Space in the Canaries.

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