A photo from open sources
American astronomers have found another ninth planet in our Solar system. Scientists made such a sensational statement Konstantin Batygin and Michael Brown (California Tech Institute), recently published an article about this in the “Astronomical magazine. ”
In it, in particular, researchers say that the Ninth the planet (while the new celestial body is called so) helped them detect computer simulation of small space motion bodies beyond the orbit of Pluto. By mass, the Ninth Planet exceeds the Earth in five to ten times. On the very outskirts of our solar system, according opinion of the authors of a scientific article, it could be due to the gravitational forces of Saturn or Jupiter, and possibly both together.
While a new celestial body cannot be viewed through a telescope with Earth, because it is twenty times further from us than Neptune. However, in the next five years, scientists are sure, such an opportunity will appear, for example, thanks to the Horizon Telescope events “, which will combine into one virtual telescopic system all the planet’s observatories and will be several thousand times more powerful than modern Hubble.
A photo from open sources
How many ninth planets actually?
Note that the new ninth member of the solar system is constantly arises and is discussed in the scientific community – among astronomers, ufologists and even mystics. For example, last November Washington Astronomers (Carnegie Institute of Science) have announced the discovery of another ninth planet (they even gave it a name – V774104) with a diameter of the order of a thousand kilometers, however reliable evidence to this has not been submitted so far.
In turn, the presence in the solar system has long been discussed. the mythical planet Nibiru, which according to the theory of Zecharia Sitchin has elliptical orbit and therefore appears near the Earth every 3600 years. And although orthodox science (in particular, NASA scientists) categorically denies the existence of Planet X, among researchers of different levels and directions continue discussions, numerous articles are written, documentaries are shot (see one of them below) and all new facts and evidence that Nibiru is not a fiction or a figment of fantasy pseudo-scientists.
Other astronomers, in turn, insist on the existence of more one ninth planet of the solar system – the double of the Earth. By their opinion, it is hiding from us behind the Sun, has the same orbit, mass, the same favorable conditions for biological life as and our blue planet, and therefore with a probability of up to ninety-nine percent has a diverse life, including a reasonable one. AND if astronomers give evidence of their theory numerous calculations, say, on changes in the strength of magnetic connections, then ufologists, in turn, no less convincingly prove that on the double of the Earth there is a more developed civilization, representatives of which are constantly present on Earth in the form of UFOs, aliens.
Therefore, to say that Konstantin Batygin and Michael Brown first found the ninth planet of the solar system, there will be at least least not exactly. I must say this: American scientists, supposedly discovered another planet that they hastened to call the Ninth, although in reality its ordinal the number may be tenth, eleventh or even twelfth …
Life Nibiru Solar System Telescope