Do black holes really exist?

Do black holes really exist?

Do black holes really exist?A photo from open sources

The other day, a scientist from the United States made a sensational statement that that “black holes” in nature do not exist. To such a conclusion American physicist came after connecting two conflicting theories on this subject. However, this hypothesis is quite logically explains the inconsistency between quantum Einstein’s mechanics and theory of relativity. It is worth noting: For more than fifty years, scientists believed that matter under the influence of intrinsic gravity collapses when the star collapses, forming in the result is a singularity that becomes the core of the black hole and able to destroy any matter. And the main feature a black hole is an event horizon, a kind of border beyond which even light cannot come out. Today, most astrophysicists and science fiction lovers do not doubt the existence black holes, which are also repeatedly mentioned in various movies. There is even indirect evidence of existence black holes. In particular, it is believed that in the center of our galaxy there is also a huge black hole. Meanwhile, quite often in explaining the origin and functioning of black holes some difficulties arise. In particular, the theory of gravity Einstein confirms the formation of a singularity, but according to fundamental principles of quantum theory, in the universe no information cannot disappear. Therefore, the combination of these two theories invariably leads to the so-called paradox of information loss. Back in 1974, scientist Stephen Hawking tried to explain the paradox, using quantum mechanics. He suggested that the mismatch it can be explained by the existence of hypothetical radiation black hole. This radiation, which was called hawking, represents a stream of virtual elementary particles. IN as a result of quantum effects, they evaporate with black hole surface. It turns out that if the singularity is not will absorb energy, then gradually it will “evaporate”, throwing in As a result, part of the chaotic information. To some extent it will be contribute to the resolution of paradoxes. However, this theory is also gives rise to a large number of inconsistencies. Then two years ago a new theory was developed, according to which in education quantum effects to blame the so-called “wall of fire” black holes that occurs behind an invisible event and instantly destroys any matter. This theory aroused great interest in scientific world and to some extent contributed to the formation of a number other hypotheses. In particular, according to the hypothesis of Juan Maldacena, our The universe is a projection of information onto a plane. Another theory was proposed by physics professor Laura Mersini-Houghton. She agrees that under the influence of gravity the star produces Hawking radiation during collapse. However, according to expert estimates the star also loses mass. Therefore she cannot shrink into a singularity and form a new black hole. That is, instead of in order for a dying star to form a black hole, it explodes. It turns out that it does not form a paradox of events and other related inconsistencies. So you can to say that black holes do not actually exist. Thus, we can say that the Mersini-Houghton hypothesis generates no less questions than the hypotheses of other scientists. Also recognized as erroneous theories that our universe arose from a singularity that during the big bang, it suddenly began to expand. According to Mersini-Houghton, this could not happen, since no there was no singularity.

Gravity Universe Stephen Hawking Black Hole Einstein

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