Donald Trump ordered to send astronauts to the moon by 2024

Donald Trump ordered astronauts to be sent to the moon by 2024A photo from open sources

On Tuesday, March 26, US Vice President Mike Pence spoke at a meeting of the US National Space Council, stating that the head of the White House, Donald trump, ordered NASA send astronauts to the moon no later than 2024, while doing one of the crew of the fair sex.

Later, until 2028, in Selena, according to the idea the current president of America, there should be a steady the presence of citizens of the “citadel of democracy.” The place of their landings, supposedly not the equatorial region of the natural satellite Earth, as before, and the south pole. It is rich in water ice, which may be useful for moonwalkers.

Pence emphasized that the United States has become the only state to send a man to the moon in the 20th centuries, and they will certainly be the first country to do same thing in the current 21st century. According to the vice president, in the present moment there is again a confrontation between America and Russia (also China is catching up with the leading space superpowers) in space exploration, and the US does not intend to give in to anyone superiority in this matter.

In 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, thereby capturing leadership in space the race. And this little light that swiftly flew through the night October sky, made us raise our heads and get down to business, recalled the politician.

However, many immediately called this statement ordinary populism. Skeptics claim that this is another the promise of Donald Trump, who decided to run for a second term, a promise to American voters that he will not need, by essentially execute. The fact is, experts say that the United States so far completely unprepared for the implementation of such an ambitious project.

So, the first unmanned superheavy launch the launch vehicle “Space Launch System”, which is the main transport of the planned lunar mission, is planned only for next year, and it is possible that it will be postponed more than once. For manned flights will require “SLS Block1B” – the second version of this missiles, – completion and construction of which is currently far to finish.

As for the descent vehicle, intended for delivering astronauts to the moon and providing them with a soft landing, then with this is even worse. So far, NASA has only projects of such devices made by private firms on their own initiative.

In short, five years allotted by NASA Trump to prepare US manned lunar mission will be few, even if the US they’ll simply plan to fly and come back. But they are building grandiose plans to colonize the Earth’s satellite, at least they say exactly that …

Donald Trump Moon NASA USA Rockets

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