Photos from open Sources In social networks today, news about astronauts returning to Earth from the ISS who participated in Expedition-43. They are now getting used to being earthlings.
For example, Terry Virts (American astronaut Terry Wirts) and Samantha Cristoforetti (Expedition Member from Italy Samantha Cristoforetti) write on their Twitter pages that this it’s amazing how everything is perceived differently on the home planet after long separation from her. And the peach seems divinely delicious, and drops the rain is fabulously beautiful, not to mention the gravity of the Earth, which doesn’t so much torment as it pleases and heals …
For example, Samantha was struck the first morning in Houston the multicolor that is inherent in her home planet. There are so many greens, she writes, and these plants are all so different in shades and sensations. The gravity presses a little, but even from this – the world is still more beautiful!
But the American Terry Wirths on the first day was moved to tears rain, ordinary earth rain, which we earthlings most often or disliked, or simply do not notice. And the astronaut is literally reveled in its sounds, rhythm and freshness. By the way, in his opinion, the rain has an amazingly wonderful smell, which he used to just did not notice.
A photo from open sources
Recall that in 2013, having returned from the ISS to Earth, astronaut Chris Hadfield (Chris Hadfield) noted that he and it’s become different, because at the space station talk with weightless language. And here you can even feel their lips weight and vibration.
Edward Gibson, who visited the Skylab space station, the forerunner of today’s ISS. In his opinion, the cosmos tears man from the earth in many ways. psychological parameters, and when you return to Earth, such feeling as if you have just been born and learn this world anew. But most importantly, you understand how beautiful life on Earth is and amazing, and literally can’t compare with it – NOTHING! Probably, therefore, you begin to receive more pleasure from life than before, and in your soul an amazing calm settles in and grace.
A photo from open sources
“Tweets” of astronauts are interesting precisely in these revelations, after which many earthlings begin to think and even look back around: maybe my gray life is not so hopeless, you just need to shake off the dust of worries and dirty clothes and look very differently at this beautiful Earth. To even rainy day and ordinary rain became a holiday, a revelation for souls and certainly preserved in memory as the brightest child miracle…
Life Time ISS Plants