Earth has a square orbit, say British scientists

The earth has a square orbit, say British scientistsA photo from open sources

How do you like this statement by the scientists of Oxford University: Earth moves around the Sun in a square orbit.

It turns out to be the most erroneous postulate of all previous times there was a statement that the orbit of the Earth, like other planets of the universe, – elliptical. But in fact, the planets revolve around their stars along a square path.

Such an unusual statement by British scientists based on the number of summer and winter days the solstice does not match what should be with a round (elliptical) orbit. In this case, it would stretch to two or three days, but in reality – one is enough. In case of angle a square – just one day is enough. In addition, they add Researchers, in the year of such solstice days, not two, but four (every three months), which corresponds to four corners square orbit.

A photo from open sources

The most amazing thing is to check it all, prove it or to refute is very difficult, since all the calculations of scientists regarding the structure of our solar system, not to mention other worlds and the universe as a whole, purely theoretical. And this is still excluding the fact that the organs of cognition of the world around a person very imperfect.

Recall on this occasion the not so long ago discovery of other scientists (American University of Rutgers) who claimed that the gravitational impact of Venus and Jupiter changes the orbit of the Earth every four hundred thousand years, why on our planet happen then global climate change. Unless these conclusions were “proven in practice”, which requires any scientific evidence?

All these postulates are no better than the theory, for example, a flat Earth or that we live in a matrix. Virtually neither prove nor This cannot be refuted. That’s why in the comments on today’s sensational news that appeared on many Web resources, where more often all recalled the notorious “British scientists” who have already become a parable in the town, one of the users quite aptly remarked: actually why not, let first at the Oxford scholars whoever knows about the structure of our university will throw a stone The Universe is ALL. And there seems to be nothing to cover here …


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