Earth imperfections save satellites from the fall

Earth imperfections save satellites from fallingA photo from open sources

Around our planet are turning more than a thousand workers satellites and tons of space debris. They all “feel” themselves more or less normal. The most amazing thing is that scientists are just now understand why everything happens this way and not otherwise.

Ideally, a tiny satellite orbiting around ideal spherical planet, remains there forever (if nothing it will not bother him there). But the Earth is far from an ideal sphere, and there are many other objects that can “move” satellites from low Earth orbit – above all, of course, Moon. In accordance with the laws of motion, the influence of the moon was to cause satellites to burst into our atmosphere planets and burned in it.

It turned out that the salvation for the satellite is imperfection Earth forms. Due to rotation, our planet is slightly flattened at the poles and convex at the equator. According to computer simulation and analysis by Scott Tremen of the Advanced Institute researchers at Princeton and Tomer Yavetzo from Princeton University, gravitational attraction shifts the orbit of satellites in for quite some time. It does not give the moon and others sources to “tow” them in one direction or another. If Earth would be an ideal sphere, satellites could not be on it orbit longer than a few months or years and sooner or later would fall into the atmosphere.

“Interestingly, there are quite a few factors that can in theory, destabilize low Earth orbits, – comments on a study by Gregory Laughlin, a university physicist California to Santa Cruz. – But in practice everything turned out like this in a way that the earth provides satellites with good conditions. If think about it a bit, you can come to a very entertaining conclusions “.


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