A photo from open sources
Amateur astronomers argue that next month to Earth the huge comet C / 2017 S3 is approaching, and so close that it will be visible to the naked eye.
In this regard, many researchers immediately started talking about the consequences of such a comic “guest”, their fears are based, firstly, in the pictures and the statement of the famous Austrian astronomer Michael Jager, who on his resource on the Internet posted a photo review of the carrier from space to the Earth, brightly glowing ball, and also stated:
A huge comet is approaching our planet, its the gas cloud is about 260 thousand kilometers in diameter. For comparison, this is twice the diameter of Jupiter. therefore C / 2017 S3 can be observed from any attic telescope – A great target for amateur astronomers.
As can be understood from the statement of Jager, the comet, although large, but does not represent anything dangerous for the Earth. However some Researchers draw their disappointing conclusions from this. TO For example, the famous ufologist and virtual archaeologist Tyler Glockner at YouTube posted a video on its secureteam10 video hosting channel YouTube which shares certain unfounded fears that a space object approaching us is not as safe as it seems (see video below).
This is clearly not a comet, Glockner claims, since it has no tail. In addition, upon careful consideration of the huge gas phenomenon, in the middle of it you can notice a double object, which leads to certain thoughts …
Some Internet users immediately remembered Nibiru, the promised Apocalypse, connected all this with incomprehensible weather on Earth, various abnormalities, and seriously were alarmed.
Fortunately, not all. Many ironically noticed that the approaching cosmic body with its huge gas cloud, the glow of which can be observed in August even with the naked eye, not more than an interesting astronomical event. And even then it is interesting more specialists and lovers to consider and study the stellar sky. The rest of this, presumably, just does not affect, the mysterious comet 99.9 percent of the inhabitants of our planet do not even will notice …