Earthly truth and moonlit lies. What made Americans go to falsification?

A photo from open sources

The moon, as the closest astronomical body to the Earth, is always attracted people’s attention. With the beginning of the space age, she became immediate goal. Pioneers of space – Russian – in terms of conquest The Americans were ahead of the moon, having landed on a satellite of the Earth. AND conversations immediately began: there were no Americans on the moon, the movie is all about it, Stanley Kubrick, director of Space Odyssey 2001, filmed The Landing at a secret nuclear test site (the so-called “site number 51”) in the state desert Nevada. That lifeless landscape was very similar to the surface The moon. A year before the Apollo 11 flight, Kubrick received his only Oscar. And for what? For special effects! At the disposal of filmmakers, after all the scenery and props of the Odyssey remain, as well as the scenery, made on the basis of numerous photographs accumulated during operation of unmanned lunar modules. One of the first to begin doubt the writer Gernot Gaise. On the night of July 20-21, 1969 Gaise, like millions of other people around the world, was sitting by the television. When the astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin were shown, I photographed them right from the screen. Captured, so to speak, a historical event. After some time, looking at the pictures, I began to notice inconsistencies. Firstly, for some reason, the stars are not visible in the pictures. A should be – after all, open space. Secondly, stuck in the ground the American flag frankly fluttered. What is this, the wind? Where does the wind come from where there is no atmosphere? On the ground about traces of astronauts are clearly visible in dust of the lunar module. But where from take dust if the exhaust jet of a rocket engine was supposed to to disperse it? And there is no funnel under the module, although here it is for sure should have formed. As there is no flame, which in theory should it would break out of the nozzle when the module took off from the surface of the moon. But there is a bunch of shadows, and all in different directions. Means the source there was not one light. The conclusion suggests itself is the only one: filmed in pavilion, and the model of the lunar module was simply raised on special, ropes invisible to the viewer. It’s easy to do, all the more so master, like Kubrick. Yes, and upon careful examination in the mirrored glasses of the helmets of astronauts are visible reflections of spotlights, placed on the set. So for Hollywood masters of illusion to remove the “landing on the moon” – just spit, and not that filmed. Walt Disney Studio back in 1955 removed the popular television series “Man in Space”. Interestingly, the consultant was The designer of the future Saturn-5 rocket is Werner von Braun. Doubted By the way, not only Gaise. The main “skeptic” was Bill Keyesing. In 1974 Mr. He released a book called “We Never Fly to the Moon.” US $ 30 billion hoax. “Keying took the idea of ​​the book is not from the ceiling – he worked as the head of the technical department information at Rockwell International, which in the 60s. participated in the lunar project of NASA. Keying wrote that astronauts honestly boarded the ship, but after a while without them excess noise landed back. That start watched by viewers of the whole world actually took place from the Canaveral Cosmodrome, but just not into space. Saturn describes an arc in the lower atmosphere and, unnoticed by anyone, fell into the ocean somewhere near Antarctica, while on TV they played a film on which Armstrong and Aldrin from the astronauts temporarily retrained as actors. Then they were taken to the base US Air Force in Nevada, placed in a descent space capsule ship and safely dropped from a helicopter into the Pacific Ocean, from where then they also fished out safely. Keying also notes that everyone astronauts went through a hypnotic zombie procedure. The techniques of such zombies have long been known, and this is not it is surprising. Some astronauts still believe in the reality of their moon flight. That the whole project is a giant fraud and hoax, said shortly after the “flight” in the US Congress Commission and one of the technicians who worked on the project. Characteristic that through For four days this man died under mysterious circumstances. Keysing is absolutely sure that troublemakers are simply removed. At first, Keyes’s book went unnoticed. Best seller it became after the theme of space was voiced in the assembled a huge audience of films “Alien” and “Star Wars”. IN As a result, every fifth American no longer doubts that the landing to the moon – fiction. What about NASA? Her reaction only reinforces these suspicions. Instead of refuting the above arguments, the US space agency is proudly silent, only occasionally releasing caustic remarks against the enemy. Instead NASA, refuting the arguments of skeptics, advocates Philip Plate, her former employee. Can you see the stars? It is their light that drowns out the light of the sun and Earth. Shadows in different directions? From the roughness of the soil, this, they say, such an effect that even an amateur photographer knows. Flag fluttering? Yes, it’s just a shaft stuck in the soil, hesitating, here is the flag and “wobbles”. There are traces, there is dust, but there is no funnel and fire tail during take-off? Yes it’s just a module engine before landing worked at low speeds. Here, however, there is still block of questions. For example, why didn’t Russians pay attention to frank fake, and if they did, then why didn’t you say anything? Gaize with like-minded people answers these questions. Russians are not fools everyone noticed, didn’t react and kept silent because their it was beneficial for the military-industrial complex to hide the truth about the project Apollo. The “success” of the Americans allowed to demand more and more money injections into the space industry – so as not to lag behind. But the most important thing – Russians were silent because of a political conspiracy between governments USSR and USA. The USSR agreed to this arrangement, since the United States had counter political compromising evidence on the leadership of the USSR accumulated since the Caribbean crisis. Under the terms of the collusion of the USSR in exchange for his silence also received economic concessions and privileges, for example, entering the Western European oil market. Until 1970 The USA pursued a tough policy on blocking oil supplies from the USSR �to the West: severe pressure was placed on European countries if they tried to collaborate with the Soviets. But since 1970 (the most likely date of collusion) the USSR began its deliveries, i.e. to energy crisis of 1973. Open, by the way, export statistics oil of those years is confirmed. There is no doubt the fact that after the collapse of the USSR, “moon conspiracy” was prolonged by a corrupt Yeltsin’s regime. The extension of the conspiracy was secured by a new interstate docking in orbit, repeating the docking Soyuz-Apollo is a project of the international space station. TO joint work with the Americans within the ISS docked and Russian space luminaries, they no longer had to expose with their hands partner investor in falsifying the flight to the moon … There are, by the way, the opinion that it was precisely this conspiracy that knocked down the USSR, which eventually led to notorious adjustment. For starters, the incompetent Brezhnev the government has exchanged a priceless diamond (priority in space rocket race and world leadership) for a cheap fake (current economic and political benefits). Further it was even worse – already in the moral aspect: the recognition of another’s lies deprives the nation independence and completely enslaves it. If until 1968 the USSR �was in the lead in the space rocket race, then the recognition of hoaxes drove him and then Russia to second roles and reoriented the brains of the nation on the western false leader, depriving the country of internal support and self-confidence. The best Russian specialists were blinded and demoralized by the clever reception of the information war from the USA. This is an information weapon and continues to work against Russia, preventing her from rising from her knees. In the space industry Russian science has turned into a cabman exporting strangers companions at bargain prices. Second question: how did the Americans keep silent at once 400 thousand participants of the Apollo project? At first, almost all the structural elements of the lunar program were real completed: Saturn-5 rockets, Apollo ships manufactured. Secondly, the number of initiates in all the details of falsification was extremely limited. Even many MCC specialists, getting picture from the “Moon”, did not realize that they were watching pavilion. Those who knew were silenced … ordinary fear. Everyone understood too well what would happen to those who open mouth. Isn’t it strange that Armstrong did so in more than thirty years did not give a single detailed interview? Even assuming that zombies did not work. And what he said consisted entirely of contradictions and incomprehensions. For example: “And looking at the black sky without stars, we thought we found ourselves on a sand-strewn sports site at night, under the dazzling rays of a searchlight “(1970). Okay, let’s say, the photo equipment, especially not the most perfect, stars really could not fix. What about the human eye? Yes even if you turn your back to the sun? By the way, in their earlier in speeches he generally shied away from a direct answer, arguing that he just doesn’t remember whether the stars were visible in the sky of the moon. He did not see stars even through the upper viewing window, being inside the moon module, and could only observe the Earth. NASA later adjusted performances of other astronauts who “visited” the moon, and annoying oversight of the directors of the “landing”. So Alan Bean with Apollo 12 already observed both stars and the Earth from the upper moonroof module. True, he did not see stars at the exit to the surface of the moon. And despite the fact that the spacesuits have side plugs, allowing to adjust a viewing gap and illumination, applying also filters. It would seem that it could be simpler: expose a narrow viewing gap for yourself, raise your head inside the helmet and watch not even individual stars, as stated by the mentioned participants script, and a whole stretch of sky, strewn with stars. By the way, here there are also contradictions with the “testimonies” of the Soviet cosmonauts, who claim: stars in space are visible, and colorfully describe black starry sky. “The ship was spinning slowly, swimming in solar stream. Stars were everywhere: above, below, left and right … “(Memoirs of Alexei Leonov) Correction in question the observability of stars from the moon is introduced even later: Eugene Cernan, watching the sky from the shadow of the Apollo 17 lunar module, smog observe individual stars. By the way, Cernan flew in 2003 to Moscow and argued that he was on the moon. Most important argument were … right here, dear readers, just don’t laugh too much loud … a watch! “I’ve been to them on the moon! Look, here they are! They are witnesses! “The instructors who sent him to Moscow for pay off the wave of revelations in the Russian media, with the clock obviously overdone, putting Cernan in a stupid position. More on what was later drawn to the attention of skeptics is the height of the jumps. With reduced lunar gravity, the weight of the astronaut in a spacesuit on the moon will be 27 kg (with a weight of 160 kg. on Earth). Jumping should get just a sight for sore eyes! Moreover, jumping is safe – any who would land on the moon, simply could not deny himself such pleasure. What do we see? Sluggish jumps 25-45 cm high. Such are quite achievable in the conditions of terrestrial gravity. notice, that volleyball jumping standards for training in height from the spot – 57.63 cm. Higher jumps on the moon, the so-called. free moon jumps were shot so that the legs of the jumping one are not visible. Normal movie stunt. Jumps from the lunar module stage were especially funny, when the astronaut held onto the handrail. Long jumps on the moon should be at least three meters – all because of the same gravity, and doing them is no less easy than high jumps. However nothing like this: lurking astronauts jump less than a half meters, and even then it’s not clearly parallel to the frame, but deep into the frame, with by turning the body sideways to the direction of movement when the length impossible to measure. Typical movie reception, Hollywood – the master illusions. Advocates of the version that the Americans on the moon were talking about increased “slippery” of moon dust, they say, there is no rock oxidized, here dust and glides. And this, they say, did not allow them high and to jump far and explained – at the same time – and the presence of traces. By the way about moon jumps themselves. These jumps were optional at six moon missions of the Americans, they were made specifically in front of the camera, to prove: we were on the moon! Those. directors understood – it is necessary it is necessary to jump! Otherwise, no one will believe. After all, only one parameter in the leap – its height – can prove its moonliness. And arises question: a person who really creeps into, say, a vent volcano, will specifically show on camera what lava is hot and how does she burn it? Yes, it would never occur to him to prove obvious! And then it occurred to me … Just jumped low. Maybe they were just lazy? So, maybe, to fly to the moon itself too lazy? (This implies a smiley with a smile.) Argument, that they didn’t jump high and far, because afraid to fall and hurt spacesuits are ridiculous. The suits provide protection even from micrometeorites that fly by at a speed of up to 20 km / s and, as bullet, can flash ordinary materials, so what about some kind of shock when falling? Another funny thing discovered skeptics looking at the spacesuits themselves. They are noticeable … thinning trousers to the ankle. And this provided that the layers in that spacesuit nemereno – 25 – and they are thick enough so that the contours are hidden legs. In the preflight training frames, i.e. when the astronaut is filmed in the REAL spacesuit, not the one in which you have to jump in front of the camera, legs look as they should be – straight thick pillars, without any hint of bending or reduction thickness to the ankle. With sleeves is also funny. Hands at elbow astronaut on the “Moon” bends as if it is not a spacesuit, but a jacket. Is possible whether such ease of bending, if the astronaut really was multi-layer suit? In the area of ​​the elbow joint in the present the suit used corrugated sleeves from a particularly durable rubber, allowing bending, but at a very obtuse angle and very slow. Thus, that ease of bending the arm and an acute angle, which we see on the set supposedly from the moon, as well as the degree of fit astronaut’s legs leg clearly indicate: jump It is carried out in the light overalls imitating a spacesuit. G. Gaise in his book “The Great Lies of the Century. Apollo Lunar Flight, where there are dozens of photographs of astronauts from the “Moon” and – for comparison – A photo of astronauts working on the Shuttle in open space. The author notes that the spacesuits from the “Moon” are not inflated, they have characteristic large folds of matter and bends that are not on suits Shuttle astronauts, as the latter are inflated from the inside by a delta pressure in 0.35- 0.4 atm. As indirect evidence that the Americans were not on the moon, says a strange difference in quality of photo and video filming. Video recordings are fuzzy, photos are quite normal quality. Assume that NASA has no quality camcorders? Well, do not tell! What is the matter? For this you need imagine how the imitation of ordinary movements (not just jumps) in the conditions of lunar gravity. She performed by slowing down 2.5 times the playback speed video frames (by then the Americans already owned magnetic tape technology). In the same way the movement of the rover on the moon was reproduced: it was driven at speed 30-40 km / h on the sandy ground of the landfill, which created sufficient dust lift and then the video was slowed down in those same 2.5 times. Thus, the dust bounced smoothly and high. But again: nowhere, in any frame, moon dust from a leg hit rises above 1 m., and should rise 6 m. and above. But why did directors allow photographs to be more clear? This is easily explained, given that for photographing the soil imitated with fine dust (dust powder), while for videos need coarse sand, easily settling in the air atmosphere of the pavilion (fine dust would expose the lack of vacuum – due to freezing in the air). Sharpen the videos allowed to give out sand for fine dust – lunar regolith (the same one, terribly slippery. Well, pure ice!) Another indirect the proof is also such a fact. In October 2002, it became NASA is known to have hired a former engineer, and now one of the most respected experts in the history of space research James Auberg to him for a reward of $ 15,000 in writing denied the “fabrications of all those who argue that the lunar epic is just a well-executed falsification. ” Oberg was required to “describe the Apollo mission step by step, refuting all insinuations on points. “Definitely commendable intention. However, in November, NASA announced through its media its abandonment of this intention. But then a bunch of unofficial sites where it was proven with foam at the mouth that Americans on The moon were. (NASA does the work with the wrong hands – it’s more convenient. And more reliable.) On other sites (a very competent step!), on the contrary – argued that the Americans were not on the moon. But proved especially stupid, inept and absurd. To make the reader accustomed to idiocy and on its wave no longer responded to real exposures. Advocates of the “fact” of the Americans’ stay on the moon (either on behalf of NASA or from “hidden sources”) in a mysterious whisper they share a completely murderous version: they say the Americans were on the moon, but they saw and shot there taco-o-o-e (alluding to the lunar cities on the back of the base aliens, UFOs) that if this is all shown to the public, again, taco-oooh, that it’s better to do a staging – so as not to disturb the unprepared for space expansion with green little earthlings. This version is for romantically and mystically tuned natures. For sane – a different version. Yes Kubrick yes, a staging. But solely because the shooting turned out poor-quality, marriage, in other words, that’s just had to repeat all that is seen – but on Earth. A sort of concern for the audience – so that they can see better. So that was what to look at all. Say, this was practiced in the USSR. Typical victim such forms of deception is cosmonaut G. Grechko, who, justifying version of NASA, at the same time more than once expressed in television and broadcasts that really, part of NASA’s materials filmed in the pavilions and this very fact gave rise to a wave of refutations version of the landing of the Americans on the moon. By the way, another Russian astronaut – Valery Polyakov, deputy director of the Institute biomedical problems – wrote in utterly murderous an article in the Metropolitan Evening Newspaper that flag swings explained by completely natural physiological points. Like, in weightlessness arms and legs fluctuate – from the tremors of the heart. it fine. “And when the astronaut reaches out to the flagpole, – wrote Polyakov, – these rhythmic fluctuations of the flag lead to the appearance of the effect that was mistaken for the wind. “How we see the deputy director of IBMP explains the fluctuations of the flag by heartbeats astronaut. A more ridiculous and absurd way of fencing off American lies are hard to imagine! What made Polyakov embark on such a stupid lie? Money? Or politics? Who knows … On other sites they ask with a fraction of a well-calculated resentment: you say it’s a hoax, but what about negotiations with astronauts? Like, did the Earth speak with the Moon? Oh, well, don’t laugh again! Most An elementary way is to simply record all the negotiations in advance, and then launch them on the air. The child will be able to. The second way is with image transmission is a little more difficult: to use a repeater. A drone is delivered to the moon by a repeater and is organized The following radio exchange scheme: MCC – ground receiving and transmitting point Information – Lunar Repeater – MCC. At the same time scoring transmitted videos by astronauts made in a communication session with MCC either in real time or videos voiced in advance. Or even simpler: VCR with advance A recorded radio program is installed on board the lunar. By the way, a similar communication scheme was used on the “Probe-4” (unmanned version of the Soviet ship intended for flyby of the Moon by two astronauts). During the flight “Probe-4” Popovich and Sevastyanov were in Yevpatoria, in a special isolated bunker, and for six days they negotiated with the MCC through repeater “Probe-4”, thereby simulating a flight to the moon and back. Intercepting information from the probe-4, NASA experts in the first moment decided that the Soviet cosmonauts fly to the moon, then they explained that this is work on a simulator. Regarding the video inside the Apollo, which regularly fed the public, it’s generally the basics of cinema. Firstly, there are simulators on which astronauts are training on earth. They completely imitate and the inside of the ship, and weightlessness. What prevented the astronauts from filming (more precisely, earthmen) on simulators? Nothing! But here comes the most main question: what made Americans go so powerful falsification? Yes, everything is very simple: it was a political project. There was a “cold war”, in 1964 the USSR began the development of a similar Project – N-1 launch vehicle. Yes, after four major accidents, occurred in 1969-1972, the program was curtailed, but could deploy back. America just couldn’t afford to “fail” such a grandiose project, it was very important to be first, it was necessary to overtake the blood from the nose of the Russians. But Russians were in the know – the attentive reader will object. Well, firstly, not everything, but only the top, ordinary people did not know anything and did not know could, for them – America is the enemy. And then suddenly the enemy – but ahead. So, maybe he, this enemy, lives more correctly than we here with his vaunted socialism? How could the top allow occurrence such an opinion? We answer cynically: wasn’t she all equal? At entering such an oil market! Secondly, they didn’t know right away – then, after the “moonlit”. They tried to say something, but the United States threw “oil bone” – and his mouth was closed. So in front of the top The USSR could not “show off”. But to prove to the whole world and ordinary Soviet citizens, who is the boss in the house is very important. Proved. However, another question arises: the Americans are not understood that their staging was done rude and carelessly? Really in NASA couldn’t do better; weren’t there any specialists capable of notice and eliminate all inconsistencies? Could not – this is the law Universes, any system, even the most reliable, always fails, to consider everything is simply unrealistic, because the volume of work is huge, punctures and inconsistencies are inevitable. In a philosophical sense, a lie always remains a lie, no matter how qualitatively it was concocted. If you could if everything was taken into account, then the lie would be equal to the truth and distinguish between them would be impossible. And the weakness of lies lies in the fact that no matter how widely information was provided, just point to at least one inconsistency – and the deception is exposed. Any contradiction is proof of falsehood, and if there is at least one (!) contradiction, then we can safely say that all (!) material is fake, and the amount of information presented here is absolutely nothing changes. O. BULANOVA

War Time Gravity Crisis Moon ISS Moscow NASA Missiles Russia Saturn Sun USSR USA

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