A photo from open sources
While walking in his yard in Östersund (Sweden) professional photographer and astrophotographer Goran Strand took his portable solar telescope and once again looked at The sun, to find there something new and interesting. And of course the “interesting” was not long in coming. What did he see on fiery solar disk? What managed to captivate his eyes? Unbelievable! This is … the Eiffel Tower!
Naturally, this is not about the famous French sights, and not about the next Photoshop trick. The astrophotographer managed to notice a very interesting prominence, which in its shape very much resembles a Paris tower.
“This big prominence did not leave me indifferent, despite I used my small telescope with focal length 50 mm. The sight was incredible. ” Goran stated in his email to Strand Discovery News. “After I set up my large solar telescope and looked through it at a new interesting object, it seemed to me that it resembles the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Large Lunt telescope with a focus of 80 mm, camera connection Grasshopper 3 and hydrogen pressure on the Sun allowed Strand make about a thousand photos, of which he chose 300 the best.
Prominences are known to be large fiery structures that rise above the surface of our star beyond account of magnetized plasma.
A photo from open sources
If we talk about the “Eiffel Tower” on the Sun, then its height in seven times the diameter of planet Earth. Prominence itself has dark color due to the fact that it appears in a relatively cold chromosphere and moves to a hotter, with temperatures, exceeding a million degrees Celsius. It makes a plasma prominence darkened.
Sun Telescope