Photos from open sources Flight station ExoMars-2016 to the Red Planet, naturally attracts the attention of astronomers in many countries, therefore they observe this process, periodically taking photos and video recordings. To the surprise of many scientists, in these pictures you can consider that the spacecraft is accompanied by strange objects that are clearly of artificial origin.
Under the control of aliens?
In the pictures laid out by the European Space Agency on on their website, where photos from Australia also flock, Brazil, New Zealand, you will notice that the ExoMars station, which looks like a rather large bright object in the photo, accompany in space six smaller vehicles, synchronously moving with an earth rocket (in the picture below are marked red arrows).
A photo from open sources
However, ESA staff were at a loss for this. for a long time and soon they explained that it was the Breeze-M overclocking unit. Here just why it became in the form of six objects, which, moreover, they don’t want to lag behind ExoMars station, European scientists could not give an answer. This “Breeze-M” – and the point! Such Doesn’t the discouraging answer remind you of anything? Something very much he looks like an “explanation” of everything that does not fit into the concept orthodox science by NASA staff.
Prospects for work on the Red Planet ExoMars
It was previously reported that due to the successful acceleration of the station ExoMars block “Breeze-M”, did not even need to adjust the trajectory of her flight. All devices and sensors work as standard mode. Scientific equipment will soon be included in the test mode, and testing it will last until April 24. Late July in deep space will be maneuvered to change tilt apparatus in the heliocentric system. And already on October 16 the current year should be a separation of devices, after which three days later, the Schiaparelli module will enter the atmosphere of Red planet, and TGO will remain in the orbit of Mars.
By the beginning of 2017, both devices will begin full-scale work on the study of the planet, which according to the plan should last until 2022 year. Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) is mainly aimed at investigation of gas impurities of the atmosphere of the Red Planet and ice distribution on its surface, and Schiaparelli is landing module, and its task is to develop the entrance to atmosphere, descent and landing of devices of a similar type that will necessary to continue the mission of ExoMars. In particular, it is will be required for the successful descent of the rover to the surface of Mars ExoMars-2018.
Mastering Mars is in full swing
Recall that currently there are five stations on Mars, three of which (Mars Odyssey, MRO, MAVEN) are American, one European (Mars Express) and still Indian (Mangalyaan). And by the surface of the red planet today two American “run” Mars rover – Curiosity and Opportunity.
A photo from open sources
The US does not want to lag behind in the exploration of Mars from Europe and even more so Russia, and therefore plan to soon send to Krasnaya planet two science laboratories and plant in 2020 on her territory is another rover, similar to Curiosity. All this, by According to NASA leadership, it is necessary that by 2030 launch a manned spacecraft to Mars.
However, ufologists, studying in detail photographs of the Red Planet, even obtained subject to strict censorship of their selection by NASA employees, and adding to this the latest data on escorted by ExoMars station with six UFOs, doubt that Earthlings will be allowed to intervene so radically in the life of Mars.
Mars NASA Russia Mars Rover Curiosity