A photo from open sources
The Russian azimuthal telescope was built back in sixties of the last century. Almost a quarter century he was considered the largest and most powerful in the world, and remains so to this day. since – the truth is now only in Europe.
It is located at an altitude of 2070 meters above sea level at the very foot of the mountain “Pastukhov”, which is located in Karachay-Cherkess Republic. This place was chosen at that far time for a very long time and carefully – seventeen expeditions were required to find a unique point for the future telescope because the criteria the choices were: desired height, minimum rainfall, maximum sunny days.
A photo from open sources
It’s still amazing to the scientists of the world, from those associated with space, unique manufacturing technology of all components of this telescope – incredible accuracy that has not been surpassed so far not a single country. Plus, innovative for the time. the possibility of rotation along the axis and azimuth. Diameter of reflective the Azimuthal mirror is 6 meters and the focus of the distance is 24 meters, the height of the telescope with a seventeen-story house, its weight approaching thousands of tons. But the main thing is different: he provided twelfth accuracy class and could even peep into that distant time 28 magnitudes, that is, was able to see, as they said employees of this observatory themselves, the edge of the universe for billions light years. In addition, a computer was first used on it, which at that time occupied the whole room. It’s no coincidence that this the Russian telescope was called the “eye of the planet”, and even today it considered the same eye, even if only European.
The fact is that the “Azimuthal” is still unique, modernized in recent years, it is still able to serve homeland and humanity as a whole. His main merit is the fact that it was this device that set the highest level at one time The development of telescope in the world for many decades to come.
Time telescope