A photo from open sources Photo from the site www.rg.ru
In the framework of studies conducted on the basis of the Union TMA-13M, recently landed in Kazakhstan, experiments were made on living organisms. As a result, aboard the spacecraft flies, snails and fish visited, and not only those that were taken from the earth, but also specially bred in space. Living things participated in a project to study the impact on populations during the flight. For example, Drosophila flies were experimental study of the reproduction and development of multicellular organisms in zero gravity. The results of the experiments are not worth it underestimate, because it is on these flies that the majority genetic research.
Now Drosophila and other “astronauts” expect experiments already in earth conditions. Scientists intend to assess their condition, as well as to trace the presence of deviations in subsequent generations. Study dormant genes that could be activated in the result of a flight into orbit of the planet.
The end result of the experiments is the identification and determination the degree of danger of negative factors during the flight affecting the bodies of highly organized living things. On the based on this, recommendations will be developed for the protection of the genome space travelers.