Flight to Mars impossible

Flight to Mars is impossiblePhotos from open sources

For many years, information periodically appears that the Americans are taking some new steps towards the ambulance colonization of the red planet. Constantly hearing about new developments, successful testing and unique innovations. If you follow with such news, it seems like NASA is about to will send its astronauts to Mars, rubbing space noses agencies of other powers.

In addition, everyone who is interested in space exploration already has the Dutch project “Mars One”, which at least six volunteers participating in a distant planet today in a kind of competition. Both NASA and Mars One are called today is a very short time for sending the first earthlings to Mars – the twenties of this century. However is it really through ten to fifteen years on the Red Planet will be people?

Scientist explained why flight to Mars is impossible

Russian astronomer Vladimir Surdin, who is famous popularizer of science, believes that this is unlikely. According to a scientist who the day after tomorrow, by the way, turns sixty three years, the private project “Mars One” is pure profanity, and its the true goal is to get money from investors, advertising and even from volunteers themselves wishing to fly to Mars. At the same time, NASA doesn’t do much better, convincing earthlings that colonization The red planet will be possible in the foreseeable future.

A photo from open sources

Vladimir Georgievich is sure that the leading space powers, like Russia and America, in theory they are capable of sending people today to Mars, however it will be an overly complex and costly task, to which no one has yet decided on the current level of technical the development of our civilization. Only a flight there will cost ten billion dollars. And this is without landing astronauts to the surface Mars, that Earthlings simply cannot afford yet.

Russia reasonably does not raise any media hype and does not high-profile statements while the United States is at all costs trying to convince us that they will soon fly to Mars and colonize her. As for the “Mars One”, then this is common swindle, and there will be no flights to Mars.

Surdin is convinced that for a start, humanity must colonize the moon, and only then talk about Mars. But judging by many data regarding the possible colonization of the moon by other extraterrestrial civilizations, even this project to many space researchers, especially ufologists, it seems not quite real. What can we say about the Red Planet, which we still know less than about the moon …

Colonization Luna Mars NASA Russia

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