Flight to Mars will be for man deadly

Flying to Mars will prove fatal for humansPhoto from open sources

An international team of experts found in the human body weak spot due to which space travel to distant planets are simply impossible.

We are talking about the jugular vein, whose work is disrupted as a result of effects of microgravity. It was in jeopardy planned mission in the coming decades to Mars. About it reports the publication Science Alert.

Having examined the health status of 11 astronauts who visited the ISS, scientists found that over a fifty-day stay in outer space in the jugular vein begins stagnation of blood, and also its reverse current. One astronaut has already been diagnosed blockage of veins (thrombosis), which was noted for the first time during long flight. Before the end of the mission, the astronaut was forced to take anticoagulants that reduce blood coagulability.

Microgravity provokes chronic outflow of blood and tissue fluid to the head. What consequences can this lead to, experts cannot say yet, additional study. It is known that the astronaut’s face begins to swell, and the volume of blood circulating in the heart increases.

Scientists voiced their concern that weightlessness can provoke astronaut diseases that can lead to death, and then any long mission will be in jeopardy disruption.

Previously, scientists found that powerful cosmic radiation can seriously affect the health of astronauts during long long-haul flights. But that’s not all, since it was discovered one unexpected danger – fungi and bacteria that are in the open space under the influence of radiation begin to grow and mutate in the human body.

Andrey Vetrov

Mars Health Time

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