Found a piece of the Chelyabinsk meteorite weighing in half a ton

A photo from open sources PHOTO: From Lake Chebarkul got the largest car debris found, it weighs almost 600 kilograms. A fragment of a meteorite was taken from the bottom of Chebarkul more than half a ton, reports RT. This is the largest fragment of a car which fell into the lake. The operation began early this morning, but wind and waves interfered with the specialists, and the water temperature was only + 3 ° C. First, the divers tore the stone from the muddy bottom and on special cables using a tug pulled to the surface. Initially, scientists believed that the fragment would weigh almost double smaller. “According to my calculations, the weight of the car should be under 300 kilograms, – a member of the meteorite said to Komsomolskaya Pravda Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences Victor Grokhovsky. – This chip can do a lot tell us about the Chelyabinsk meteorite, clarify its composition, ratio of substances. It’s also important to understand how the structure has changed meteorite after six months in the water. “But the forecasts did not materialize. When they put the stone on the scales, they could not stand it and broke. By approximate it is estimated that the weight of space cobblestone is about 570 kilograms. It’s worth noting that the largest meteorite fragment in They looked for sludge for almost a month, and on raising it from the water was announced competition. According to the rules, they should have got it before October 4, but experts did not meet deadlines due to bad weather. I had to be content with 12 found fragments, and only 5 of them turned out to be fragments of a car, the largest weighs about 11 kilograms. Recall, February 15, a meteorite exploded over Chelyabinsk. The shock wave knocked out windows in 7 thousand buildings, more one and a half thousand local residents were injured due to cuts knocked out glasses and falling window frames. By cosmic standards, a meteorite was small – its diameter did not exceed 17 m, it weighed no more than 10 tons Nevertheless, the power of the explosion, according to experts, was 500 kilotons (this is 30 times than the explosion of the Hiroshima atomic bomb in 1945 year).


Water Stones Chelyabinsk

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