A photo from open sources
This is exactly what virtual archaeologists who constantly they find something in photographs sent to Earth tireless Martian hard worker – Suriosity rover. Their next The “archaeological” find was the petrified body of a humanoid.
Humanoid skeleton found on Mars
A photo from open sources
Such “untimely” bodies were once found in place. excavations of the ancient city of Pompeii, destroyed in 79 eruption of the volcano Vesuvius. Something similar, consider online researchers, happened on Mars, and it could be all-planet catastrophe, say, due to nuclear war, after which many volcanoes have awakened, destroying cities and their inhabitants. By the way, almost the same find, that is, the body of a humanoid-Martian, already came to the attention of Martian archaeologists – supporters, that on the Red Planet there once existed a highly developed civilization, which, quite possibly, gave rise to our present. And not only spawned, but also monitors the earthlings so far, in contact with them (with individual structures or representatives).
A photo from open sources
To do this, voluntary researchers Mars a lot evidence, including seen in Martian photographs entrances to underground shelters – obviously, Martians after the global disasters left the surface, building cities inside the planet. There is even indirect evidence of this fact, for example, stories children who remembered their past lives, in one of which they were by the Martians. Indigo children just say that civilization on The red planet is still thriving …
A photo from open sources
So the Martian “Pompeii” are quite possible, they just believe in not all of them, if not more – virtual archaeologists, persistently looking for various artifacts in the images of Mars, constantly subjected to ridicule and scientific abuse – or condescending silence from, say, NASA employees. However it is not stops tireless researchers. And who else knows whose the party will be a wedding …
Volcanoes Indigo Kids Mars