Found in the lunar crater “telecommunication tower”

Found in a lunar craterPhotos from open sources of

Enthusiasts leading the popular ufological YouTube channel “Third Phase of Moon”, found further evidence that the natural satellite of our planet is not at all deserted and uninhabited.

In one of the images of the moon, taken by the American national space agency, a huge crater with a mysterious turned out to be visible an object right in the middle of it. The object looks symmetrical and man-made, as if it had been specially erected there.

A photo from open sources

Many World Wide Web users have stated that the alleged extraterrestrial structure looks suspiciously like a Tower Vordencliff – telecommunication tower, created in 1903 Nikola Tesla for wireless power transmission and communication support. Is there someone on the nearest celestial body erected a similar design? Conspirologists believe that this very likely.

Not without reason, many suspect that the great scientist visionary received their knowledge from representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Tesla and himself repeatedly hinted that he communicated with aliens through radio communications, and the “green men” told him a lot interesting. They say that it’s on the orders of the great the inventor tried to destroy his premature discoveries, which could do humanity more harm than good …

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