From Earth to Mars, you can fly for three days

From Earth to Mars, you can fly for three daysA photo from open sources

American National Space Research Agency plans to launch a unique pilot project designed to to solve the problem of irrationally long journey of earthlings to other planets, in particular, to Mars. Instead of a six month flight one hundred kilograms in theory could reach a distant celestial body in just three earth days.

How long does it take to fly to Mars from Earth

According to NASA representatives, the idea of ​​a blitz trip to The red planet belongs to the physicist Philip Lubin, who works in University of California, Auckland. New technology will be based on the use of an optical quantum generator then have a laser. Previously, this specialist has already offered to run when help induced radiation space probes. Nonetheless, the “laser flight” of ships to Mars, apparently, interested NASA is much bigger.

According to the scientist, a special laser engine can allow a hundred kilogram unmanned aerial vehicle reach a distant planet in three days. In the case of manned the ship, which, obviously, will weigh much more, flying on Mars will take only one month. According to preliminary calculations American Space Agency experts, when using current technology, such a flight will take up to six months, or even more.

Americans are eager for Mars

It is worth recalling that in 2020 the so-called “window” will appear, allowing earthlings to fly to Mars, breaking the minimum the distance that will be from Earth to the Red Planet at this time. NASA plans to use this opportunity and send there astronaut expedition. Of course, there are no guarantees that Americans really will take such a step, no. However, in 2022 year, the “window” will open again, and you can try to achieve Mars again.

The technology Philip Lubin suggests using relies not on fuel combustion, but on electromagnetic acceleration the ship. Thus, the aircraft is not required huge tanks of fuel, and the weight of the rocket will be significantly facilitated. According to a California scientist, chemical acceleration long out of date, and behind electromagnetic – the future of astronautics, since the physical impossibility of overcoming the speed of light will the only limiting factor in flight speed.

Although, according to ufologists, this technology is interplanetary travel is also primitive because fundamentally not different from the current one. After all, the ships of aliens, apparently, cover huge distances through temporal-spatial burrows, almost instantly moving to anywhere in the universe. However, Lubin’s invention is yet another step forward space exploration.

NASA Mars Lasers Time

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