Our Earth, together with other planets, revolves around Of the sun. The sun, along with six other stars, in turn, revolve around a larger star, Alcyone, also known as Central Sun. Alcyone revolves around a larger star, Sirius, called the Great Central Sun. Open Source Photos Rotating a Star System Around a Friend friend, is a feature characteristic of all our galaxies A universe in which every galaxy made up of stars and planets, revolves around its own center. Galaxy milky the path that our earth belongs to includes billions of stars and planets orbiting a huge star in its center called like a galactic center. As the sun and other stars rotate around each other and move in their orbits, they pass different alignments with respect to each other. December 21, 2012 years in our Milky Way Galaxy, two alignments are expected. One of them: our sun and the entire solar system will line up on one line with the Galactic Equator. Second: Galactic Center, Greater Central Sun and Central Sun at the same time form an equilateral triangle in space. Our Earth receives energies, both physical and subtle, both from the Sun and from other stars. To get the maximum amount of energy, proper alignment of astronomical bodies must occur. For example, during an eclipse, when the Earth, the Sun and the Moon aligned with each other, very rare spiritual energies fill the earth. Consequently, eclipses were considered sacred, and at that time conducted meditations and other spiritual actions to best use these subtle energies. Alignment occurring at the level of the Galactic center has much greater effect. When the Earth, together with the Solar System aligned with the Galactic Equator, a huge number of subtle energies comes from the Galactic Center directly to Earth. Triangular arrangement of Alcyone, Sirius and the Galactic center in 2012 will bring a huge amount of spiritual energies from these Stars to Earth. This rare astronomical phenomenon can also trigger other events. Photon Belt When The Sun moves around the central sun, it passes through space through various energy fields. One of these energy fields is the Photon Belt, which is a spiritual area emanating from Greater Central Sun, Sirius. Photon Belt – Area very high-frequency vibration, which when entering it expands the spiritual state of the Earth. If we spiritually develop to this time, then our development will increase many times over. If our spiritual growth will be negative, we will go down a spiral, as happened with Atlantis at the time of the last entry, almost 10 000 years ago. Our solar system has begun to enter this field. The Earth is directly affected by the Photon Belt with December 21, 2009, and influence increases in seven stages. entrance Earth’s Photon Belt coincides with Galactic alignment, happening at the same time, and will have tremendous spiritual impact on humanity. End of cycle The orbit of the sun around Alcyone takes nearly 26,000 years. The end of the cycle coincides with 2012! Central sun Alcyone, whose rotation period around Sirius lasts millions years, also ending the cycle this year. On a physical level, this can cause huge changes such as magnetic poles The sun, which in turn will cause similar changes on Earth. Such massive changes will have a huge impact on humanity and all life on earth. The Second Sun Our Sun has a twin – another star called the Second Sun. It is often referred to as Nibiru and Planet X. This star exists on a subtle level, and although usually not visible to the naked eye, sometimes becomes visible those who are spiritually developed. Since the Second Sun exists on more high level, it maintains a higher order life, that is, life in the new century. As we enter the New Age, we will use more energies of the Second Sun. These energies are like expected to become tangible after 2012, due to entry into Photon Belt and Galactic Alignment. They help us in our spiritual development and in the discovery of a new reality. Transition Reduction When Important Events will happen almost simultaneously at the cosmic level, the effects will be huge and long lasting. Events that should happen after 2012 years, release a huge amount of energy, both physical and spiritual, which will have a huge impact. One of them is Transitional reduction. Five thousand years of the dark age ended on Earth on April 14, 1974. Before it starts The New Age of Light, a transition period of 432 years usually provides for humanity, a gradual change in beliefs and values old century and raising them to a higher level of the New Age. One of the processes helping change is intense a process called pralaya lasting 49 years. Pralaya began in 1987 and should last until 2036. Unprecedented events that are supposed to happen at the space level around 2012, provide us with a rare opportunity accelerate this process and allow a quick entry into the Age of Light! A gradual transition, the duration of which was supposed to be 432 years, can be accelerated and reduced many times, due to the intensity that these cosmic events create in our lives at all levels. Galactic Alignment with Galactic Center, Sirius and Alcyone begin in 2012 and continue up to 2032. As with eclipses, the spiritual influence of this alignment will be present during these twenty years. Term transitional period in 432 years and Pralaya in 49 years will be reduced, reducing our suffering and providing faster entry into Age of Light. As a result, the Pralaya process will end by 2015. year, and we will enter Satya Yuga in 2018! By then it alignment will end in 2032, the New Age of Light is firmly establish itself on Earth. Galactic alignment gradually increase the rotation of the Milky Way galaxy and help move higher levels of consciousness. This alignment is so powerful which can move the entire Material Cosmos to the next level consciousness. Source: Earth Changes. Space events”
Galaxy Time Eclipse Life Milky Way Sun Solar system