Giant Pyramid of Ceres

Giant Pyramid of CeresPhotos from open sources

Ceres is located between Mars and Jupiter, it is the closest to Earth dwarf planet from asteroid belt. We are interested in it first the turn of what could become a transplant site for space spacecraft flying to Mars. For this reason, thorough the study of this “dwarf”.

For information, the diameter of Ceres does not exceed a thousand kilometers. And so on this “space baby” just recently discovered giant pyramid. Her picture was taken by the Dawn probe, which transmitted unique photo to Earth as early as June 6, however NASA management decided make it public only today.

Scientists are really at a loss. First, the size a pyramid whose height is six thousand three hundred meters. TO note, the highest pyramid of Cheops on our planet is just one hundred thirty meters high. So compare: one base Hulk discovered on Ceres is – eighteen kilometers!

Secondly, it is not clear what constitutes the discovered pyramid. Some scholars have suggested that she natural origin and consists mainly of ice. But not it’s clear how huge masses of water transformed into such giant pyramid. Naturally, find a place and fantastic assumptions that this is supposedly a man-made structure, that’s just who and when was it created at Ceres? However, space is constantly presents us with riddles, and for many of them we cannot yet reply.

True, a man’s foot can enter Ceres in the near future future…

Mars Pyramids

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