Giant space magnetic shield capable protect the earth from the sun

A giant cosmic magnetic shield that can protect the Earth from the Sun.A photo from open sources

Scientists Abraham Loeb and Manaswy Lingam at Harvard-Smithsonian Center astrophysicists have proposed creating a giant cosmic magnetic shield capable of protecting the earth from the sun. And actually, why is it necessary?

Paradoxical as it sounds, our planet lives off The sun, and at the same time, can die at any moment from the native luminaries. Or rather, because of the Sun on Earth, it can perish all living things, including ceasing to exist and ours civilization. Solar flares, storms, coronal mass ejections can lead to catastrophic consequences such as exiting building artificial satellites, and therefore the entire available on the planet electronic equipment, including collapse all electrical systems on earth. What is it for our civilization, probably, do not need to explain even the youngest schoolboy.

In September 1859, a solar storm occurred that brought building all telegraphs in North America and Europe (nowhere else it simply wasn’t), but then civilization saved it backwardness. Today, such a number will not pass, like a sunny activity will simply throw us back to the Middle Ages with the destruction of 80-90 percent of the population, and in a matter of months. And who guarantees that such a solar storm will not happen tomorrow?

A photo from open sources

Is this cosmic magnetic shield needed?

Giant cosmic magnetic shield proposed by the forehead and Lingam is able to protect the Earth from future “solar disasters.” Such a shield must be marked at a certain distance between The Sun and our home planet so that it deflects the charged particles brought by the solar wind. According to scientists, a shield weighs 105 tons (approximately, of course) will cost for all countries of the world $ 100 billion, which is commensurate with the cost of the ISS.

So what’s more important for the Earth – the International Space Station or protection against possible death that can be expected from the Sun at any moment? Unfortunately, scientists have not even learned to accurately predict solar flares and storms. And what’s the point in such forecasts, if from the expected blow there is nothing to hide? ..

In addition, a similar magnetic shield can be used for other purposes, scientists say, for example, to search for brothers by reason, not to mention the fact that it will allow to maintain health and even the lives of millions of people who suffer and even die from increased solar activity that healthy citizens of the Earth they don’t even notice.

However, other researchers of the Sun do not agree with the conclusions of Loeb and Lingam, because, in their opinion, the Sun is reasonable creature, and therefore we do not know what role it plays in the origin and development of our civilization, and whether it needs destruction her. And if so, then our attempts to protect against this supermind just naive and funny, and building a magnetic shield is practically money thrown to the solar wind. As confirmation leading scientists cite recent findings that show that from our luminary some huge objects (theory of the birth of new planets), near it absolutely fantastic UFOs fly and a lot more are happening incomprehensible and mysterious. There is even a theory that the sun is “cold”, and on its surface there may well be some kind of overdeveloped civilization, of course, is not biological, as on Earth …


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