Astronomers posted a mystical photo taken with Hubble telescope. From the depths of the Universe someone looked at us Photos from open sources
In fact, the image released on NASA days. From a picture taken with a space telescope “Hubble”, someone watching us is burning and very angry eyes. And if you look closely, you can see that they are located on a skull-like head. What kind of monster? The devil? And why is he us?
Photo from open sources
You see this in the sky – you’ll think it over … Photo: NASA / ESA
NASA experts do not see any similarities between the head and the devil. But pay attention that it is very similar to the “Cosmic invader “from a primitive computer game (Space Invaders), which was popular on Earth several decades ago. But to to any real invaders she – this very head – relationship does not have. And there’s no mystical meaning in the resemblance even to no invader. Although the very existence of a nightmare head is quite notably.
According to experts, such a strange look – “Space the invader “- acquired the galactic cluster Abell 68, which created the so-called gravitational lens. Most likely she distorted – doubled – the image of a spiral galaxy, located behind her.
A photo from open sources
The galactic cluster triggered by the gravitational lens and created optical illusion in the form of glova with eyes Photo: NASA / ESA
Gravity lenses are formed due to the influence of massive objects – for example, clusters of galaxies or dark matter. In fact they – lenses – these are areas of space that are curved by a strong gravitational field. The electromagnetic radiation in them may deviate like rays of light in an ordinary – glass – lens.
Albert Einstein talked about similar effects. And their very existence, according to most scholars, suggests that his general theory of relativity is generally true.
Gravity lenses distort images of distant objects, but at the same time allow them to be considered, as if bring these objects closer.
In a particular case, the image distorts gravity from massive Abell 68 cluster located at 2 billion light years from us.
Photos from open sources of
NASA believes that the head is similar to the “Space Invader” their computer game Photo: NASA / ESA
By the way, if you still don’t completely brush off mysticism, then we can recall that the head with burning eyes has become the tenth according to a sign discovered with the Hubble telescope. ABOUT others – read 9 signs that God gives to people.
Vladimir Lagovsky
NASA Galaxy Telescope