Golden plate designed aliens will soon leave the solar system

A photo from open sources

Voyager 2 spacecraft was launched by NASA on August 20, 1977. years in the framework of the eponymous program with the aim of researching the most the planets of our star system distant from the Sun, and therefore this the steered ship was the first to reach Uranus and Neptune.

However, not everyone knows that this legendary device is The Golden Plate, designed for our brothers in mind, which can meet on the way of the Voyager 2 flying now it is unknown where in infinite space.

However, he has not yet gone beyond the limits of the solar system, and This significant event will happen in December this year.

For reference: recorded on the “Golden Plate” human speech in 54 languages ​​of our planet, as well as all kinds of sounds of natural and artificial origin, numerous photo documents showing the life of mankind on Earth. All this, according to the scientists who make up this program, will give full a picture of what constitutes terrestrial civilization, hit ZP into the hands of sentient beings.

Recall that not all scientists in the world welcomed the launch of such information to far space, for example, the now deceased theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking warned earthlings that such premises and signals (there were many at all) should not be done, because by doing so, we can attract hostile aliens to Earth, who seek in the universe worlds like ours, suitable for colonization. Moreover, such colonization will not bring anything earthlings, except enslavement and possibly even complete destruction …

Colonization Solar System Stephen Hawking

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