Half a century of lunar oblivion – and no the prospects

Half a century of lunar oblivion - and no prospectPhoto from open sources

We are currently experiencing the 49th anniversary as the first person Earth supposedly entered the surface of the moon because flight American spaceship Apollo 11 on natural the satellite of our planet occurred on July 16-24, 1969. Then have been almost half a century since that momentous date.

And for these half a century, none of the leading countries of the world, including USA, did not colonize the moon, moreover – for some reason everything is hasty abandoned this project and forgot about it. Explanation of this step At first it looked kind of convincing – too expensive.

But half a century has already passed, and flights into space, the carriers themselves and Earth spaceships during this time are so improved that, it would seem, we can recall the moon. By on the occasion of the anniversary of the first flight to it, Business Insider even released a large article, gathering in it memories and opinions about that distant world-wide event. But here is what strikes: readers are offered the same old song – flights to the satellite Earth is too expensive a pleasure. Even now?

Or is there a reason for something else?

Let’s reason logically, or rather, let’s turn to stories. At all times, even the most expensive and adventurous companies such as, for example, swimming Columbus in search of the shortest way to India, despite its enormous costs and zero return (India did not open, did not find gold, cheap slaves too), no one has forgotten. Why? Yes, very simple: it was promisingly, and when there is perspective, then the price of the issue is no one interested in.

It turns out that the exploration of the moon was not a promising thing? No matter how! The one who first colonizes her will practically become the ruler of the moon itself, and the earth as a whole. On satellite you can install missiles, laser weapons, communication stations, telescopes and much more. And from the Earth you get all this figs. Really Americans profiled such a prospect? And the Soviet Union was suddenly blown away and stopped any moon race with the United States. And all because some money? ..

Yes, it can’t be! There are no fools among the world elite, but money she has so much that enough to develop not only the moon, but all the planets of our solar system – there would be a perspective. Then what a business?

A photo from open sources

But nobody knows this exactly until now, except obviously the world’s elite. We can only do individual assumptions, which (no matter how many) are reduced to the main – The moon is not reachable for earthlings in principle. Most likely human generally can not exist outside its planet. And even break free its limits are still a very dubious occupation. No coincidence many experts, including Trump’s adviser, the famous scientist David Gelernter, claim that Americans never flew at all The moon – this is impossible in principle because of the deadly radiation Van Allen belt (there is still no protection against this cosmic radiation then, not to mention the year 1969).

Moreover, even unmanned terrestrial vehicles, which visited the moon, it seems, proved that the Earth’s satellite is far from natural, but some kind of artificial base, and therefore no one to us she will not let go and close …

This is an official science, as well as representatives of leading world space agencies, including NASA, keep quiet in a rag. So to the anniversary of the “first manned flight to the moon” is not the press said nothing new – so far it’s just expensive. A seriously, then money is not happiness, but in the long run. But her, apparently, in the exploration of the moon is not, and not even foreseen in the near future.

And therefore, no matter how you twist, but it turns out that no moon Americans never flew …

Time Money India Moon

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