A photo from open sources
The mass of black holes in the center of galaxies may be 50 billion times greater mass of the sun. This was reported by scientists from the University of Leicester. But even the most greedy gluttons can not live and eat forever. Accordingly, when the mass of a black hole becomes incredible big, she begins to lose the gas disks that are used in quality of space “feedlots.”
According to scientists, in the center of most galaxies is supermassive black hole. Near it there is a region of space where gas settles in the orbital disk. Over time, he loses his energy and falls right into the black hole, which literally means “feeds” her. But it is known that such orbital disks cannot be stable and they tend to form new stars.
According to the theory, when a black hole grows to such of enormous size, it will simply absorb part of the disk, and then completely destroy him. But some astronomers are sure that black a hole simply cannot find such a huge mass.
Considering how much space gas black could eat holes at the time of the formation of our universe and in the first stages of it life, it can be assumed that their mass reached 50 billion solar masses.
After the discovery of extremely large black holes, scientists suggested that if objects weighing 40 billion were already discovered solar masses, it is quite possible that somewhere there are more huge holes, the sizes of which reach 50 billion masses Of the sun.
Galaxy Sun Black Hole