A photo from open sources
Virtual Martian archaeologists divorced – like mushrooms by fall. Going through the thousands of photos now taken with Red planets, they find something almost every day sensational.
A photo from open sources
For example, one of the most active such explorers of Mars blogger Scott Waring found late February among numerous there’s even a profile of a person, or a Martian, or an alien (this is how he was described by Western virtual archaeologists – Opportunity rover snapshot on day 3941 his stay on Mars).
However, Russian-speaking researchers were very surprised that the leader Lenin’s revolution was confused with some alien there (look carefully to the pictures). It’s just not clear how sideways there turned out to be the profile of the unforgettable Vladimir Ilyich? Or is it still a game of shadows, and nothing more?
A photo from open sources
After all, with the same success on the Red Planet a little earlier a profile of Barack Obama was discovered (a 2005 photograph taken Rover Spirit). Bloggers and here are intelligible explanations (how the sculpture of the future president of the United States could then get to Mars) not give, but jokes, such as “Martian spy Obama,” scattered on the Internet like peas.
A photo from open sources
Mars Scott Waring