How we will be relocated into space

Humanity seems to have sat up in its native Solar system. The desire to quickly go to the stars, scientists said at scientific conference in Texas. Experts discussed the most grandiose project of the century – “Centennial space ship” (“100-Year Starship”, or 100YSS). Photo from open sources – In the field of space exploration, we are still on level of cavemen, – said 100YSS leader May Jamison. -The main task of space exploration should be the creation of colonies. The project was launched by the Advanced Defense Research Agency. US Department of Defense (DARPA) projects. Scientists believe that their the dream will come true in the next 100 years. – This is the idea today what people will travel to other star systems sounds fantastic, says May Jamison. – But remember that in your the time and story of Herbert Wells “First People on the Moon” was perceived as a fiction, not a prophecy. And today scientific and technical progress is so fast that any fantasies dream can come to life much faster. The idea of ​​interstellar flight fired up former US President Bill Clinton. He agreed to be the honorary chairman of the symposium. – Despite the fact that already Now mankind successfully creates and sends devices, traveling through the solar system, flying to other stars all still remain beyond our capabilities, ”Clinton complained. – After all, you have to overcome huge distances, so this The flight is accompanied by serious technological problems. But we are with them sure to handle it! The project is supported by government structures, and businessmen. NASA and DARPA allot a million dollars. A Larry Page – co-founder of Google – and even forked out two billion. By the way, Russia does not stand aside. We can too to help. True, not money. At the international congress “Global Future-2045 “, held this year in Moscow, test cosmonaut Professor Sergey Krichevsky presented his project called “Space Volunteers.” – This is a voluntary association project people dreaming of flying into space, living in it, about resettlement humanity in space, – explained Krichevsky. Upon implementation The first and main problem 100YSS – crew problem.

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