The Chelyabinsk explosion was similar to a nuclear one. Messages that came from direct eyewitnesses of the Chelyabinsk disaster, only miraculously did not sow mass panic. People saw a dazzling flash. A hot fever seared them. The explosion knocked out the windows and doors in the houses. Cellphone lost. And these are four signs of a nuclear explosion, oh which were told to many in former times in lessons on civil defense: light radiation, heat, shock wave and electromagnetic pulse. All that was missing was the fifth sign – radioactive radiation. But in the early hours no one knew changed whether radioactive background. Photos from open sources
In other words, there was every reason to take the Chelyabinsk explosion for nuclear. And if he happened not over our – calm – country, but, let’s say over South Korea, the consequences could be quite deplorable for the whole planet. South Koreans are still under impressed by the test of the atomic bomb by the northern neighbors. Surely they would have decided that they – the neighbors – began to bomb them. Answered would. Further, China would connect, USA, Russia …
By the way, explosions of fireballs flying from outer space are similar to nuclear and in strength.
Something similar to the Chelyabinsk event happened
October 8, 2009 in the area of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.
Then, NASA admitted that they missed a small asteroid with a diameter of about 10 meters. He exploded. No casualties or destruction was because the explosion occurred at an altitude of 15-20 kilometers. His no one even saw. But it was audible. Residents of Indonesia told about the strong hum that came from heaven. Then someone managed to take off smoke trail of an explosion in a video.
– The energy released during the disaster amounted to about 50 kilotons in TNT equivalent, astronomers reported. This is three times more than from an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The blast wave was recorded by several tracking stations, which are designed to control nuclear testing.
Obviously, the Chelyabinsk explosion was weaker than the three Hiroshima. Therefore, the exploded body, most likely, was less than 10 meters.
Here is what astronomers say in their defense:
– In order to observe objects with a diameter of at least 20-30 meters need telescopes much more powerful than we have now, – explained Tim Spar, director of the Minor Planet Center Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts). – And to create a network of such telescopes need billions of dollars.
It turns out that while earthlings cannot even be warned about the threat space bombardment by small space bodies. Not to mention about protection.
Relatively large bodies, as a rule, do not remain unnoticed.
War Chelyabinsk