Photo from open sources
Private Beijing company OneSpace Technology, which is no longer first year developing an OS-XO space rocket (another name her – Chongqing Liangjiang Star) finally launched into orbit Earth is its brainchild. This event can be called without exaggeration a small sensation and a big victory for the Middle Kingdom, since OS-XO became the first private space rocket launched in country.
Chongqing Liangjiang Star launched from the spaceport, located in the northwest of China. According to representatives OneSpace Technology, the launch was successful, as they say, without a hitch, the rocket soon reached a predetermined height in 273 kilometers.
OS-XO missile, which is about 9 meters long, capable of raising about 100 to Earth’s orbit (up to 800 kilometers) kilograms of payload. This year the company is no longer plans to launch such space rockets, but in the next In 2019, they will be launched into space at least ten. Can to say that in China begins a new era in space exploration …
China rockets