A photo from open sources
Russia again returned to the idea of creating a launch vehicle super heavy class, with the help of which our country will be able to fly to the moon and mars. However currently still there is no clarity on the question of who will deal with it creation. That the Russian president approved the start of work on super-heavy launch vehicle with a payload of up to 150 tons, It became known on September 2, 2014. About this decision to reporters said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who was also present at a meeting held at the Vostochny spaceport under construction. Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting on development of a new Russian spaceport, construction which continues in the Amur region. After the meeting, it became finally it’s clear that in 10 years the Russian Federation plans to finally refuse to use the Baikonur cosmodrome located in Kazakhstan. The head of Roscosmos Oleg Ostapenko noted that if today, almost 60% of all Russian space launches devices carried out from Baikonur, then by 2025 such launches become single. Moreover, more than 50% of all spacecraft from the composition of our orbital group will be launched from launch sites of the Vostochny spaceport. To these plans realized, at the new Russian spaceport it is planned to build three starting tables. The first one will be used for Soyuz-2 medium-class launch vehicles. It is reported that the first Soyuz-2 rocket with spacecraft Aist-2 and Lomonosov on board will start from Vostochny Cosmodrome in summer 2015 years, and since 2018, using LV data from the new Russian the spaceport will carry out manned launches. Second the launch pad is planned to be used to launch into space “Angara-5” related to the heavy class. First rocket launch Angara 5, which will replace Proton, scheduled for December 2014 of the year. Photos from open sources Cosmodrome construction Oriental Launch Table for launch vehicles of this class on spaceport planned to start building in 2016, but Oleg Ostapenko proposed to postpone the start of construction by more than a year forward. He noted that the work can be started as early as 2014. This will save time and potential builders, in addition necessary preparatory work at the facility has already been carried out. Back in December 2013, the necessary reconnaissance and location of objects the new Russian space rocket complex “Angara”. IN experimental transportation has now been completed cargo model of the Angara launch vehicle by rail from Moscow to Uglegorsk. Design and survey work has also already begun. work to ensure the construction of technical and starting complexes. September 2 finally clarified the fate of the third launch pad and booster, which should from it start up. It will be used to launch superheavy rockets. After the development of the entire family of new Angara launch vehicles of the lung, middle and heavy classes, in Russia they plan to begin work on the creation of a completely new class launch vehicle with a payload of 120-140 tons, said Dmitry Rogozin. “At the turn after 2020, we must go to the creation of such missiles. This will be a confirmation the dominant role of the Russian Federation in matters relating to heavy-class launch vehicles, a return to the best that was created in the USSR, “said the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, who oversees defense industry development issues. Dmitry Rogozin assured that plans for the construction of the launch pad for the Angara launch vehicle has not changed. However, due to a number of ideas proposed by Roscosmos, one can already now mortgage funds to create a launch pad for superheavy missiles. In addition, the head of Roscosmos Oleg Ostapenko noted on September 2 that the number of launch complexes to launch heavy rocket “Angara” can be reduced from 4 to 2. A the money saved in this way should be directed to development of a new superheavy launch vehicle. It is worth noting that the idea of developing a super-heavy launch vehicle in Russia is not new and has been in the air for quite some time. This topic is active discussed by the Russian space and rocket community since Since the close of the Energy-Buran program in the early 1990s. The new post-Soviet Russia of those years simply had nowhere to fly to missiles with a carrying capacity of 100 tons. However, 25 years after the first (and, as it turned out, last) flight spacecraft “Buran”, the Russian government and Roscosmos again started talking about the need to fly beyond the near-Earth space. For these purposes we need superheavy missiles. For example, a Saturn-5 booster designer Werner von Braun at launch to the moon manned Apollo 15 spacecraft was calculated to be low supporting orbit 140 tons of payload, of which 47 tons went to the moon. Roscosmos has already determined the timing of appearance in Russian superheavy missiles. According to Oleg Ostapenko, in order to move on, you need to start the ambitious stage the development of Russian cosmonautics, which will be associated with the development deep space and high Earth orbits. Fundamentally important and determining the solution to this problem will be the development of modern superheavy space rocket complex class. In 2014, it is planned to begin implementation of the advance project. and competitive selection of the appearance of such a rocket. Design work launch vehicles of this class will begin in 2016. For implementation of this ambitious project Roscosmos requested 200 from the budget billion rubles. The money will go to the development of space super-heavy missile system that can be launch from the Vostochny spaceport. This information is contained in the project “Federal Space Program for 2016-2025” (FPK), the text of which was sent for approval to government. The document says that it is planned for 2025 finish the ground stage of the experimental development of space super-heavy missile system that will provide low Earth orbit payload weighing at least 80 tons, and using accelerating a block of manned spacecraft of a new generation, with a mass of at least 20 tons, to the near-moon polar orbits.
Photo from open sources of the Angara light class RN development of a superheavy space rocket complex Roscosmos asks for funding in the amount of 151.6 billion rubles for the period from 2016 to 2025. In addition, the FPK project involves increasing the energy capabilities of the rocket due to development of a new oxygen-hydrogen booster unit. Start experimental ground development of a new overclocking the block is scheduled to begin in 2021. Cash costs on his Roscosmos experts rated the creation and start of testing at 60.5 billion rubles. Naturally, the question arises: which ones companies will be engaged in the creation of a superheavy rocket? Today in the country There are at least two such projects. The first one is further development of the Angara launch vehicle family, over which Specialists of the State Scientific and Technical Center named after Khrunichev are working. So, the Angara-5 launch vehicle, which it is planned to launch into space before the end of 2014, should put 25 tons of payload into low Earth orbit. However, the center stated that in the future the Angara-7 rocket can increase the mass of the output payload by 2 times – up to 50 tons Will it be possible to increase the mass of the output payload yet, it is not clear. The second project was submitted back in 2009. It was presented by competitors of the Khrunichev GKNPTS – RSC Energia, “TsSKB-Progress” (creator and producer of “Unions) and State Rocket Center named after Makeev. This triumvirate companies easily bypassed the “Khrunichevites” in the competition for the creation of a new heavy launch vehicle, which at one time was announced by Roskosmos. The companies promised to implement by 2015 launch of a new heavy Rus-M launch vehicle with a payload capacity of 50 tons, and in the future to bring this figure to 100 tons. But the hardware weight possessed by the Khrunichev GKNPTS turned out to be above, and after Roscosmos was headed by Vladimir Popovkin, all work on the Rus-M project was stopped, to the fore again “Angara” came out.
Photo from open sources RN Energia with the ship Buran Which way will the new leadership of Roscosmos take the risk of headed by Oleg Ostapenko, it’s difficult to say so far. Special, given the fact that all space centers are currently time pass under the wing of the recently created United Rocket and Space Corporation (ORKK). Such a transition may will facilitate the selection of the most realistic and effective superheavy class launch vehicle development projects. There is a possibility that the rocket will be fundamentally new, to example equipped with nuclear power plants a large capacities, which specialists of the Center named after Keldysh. According to experts of RSC Energia, the nuclear launch vehicle traction can provide a decrease in the cost of elimination on the lunar orbit of the payload is more than 2 times compared with existing liquid rocket engines (LRE). However and LRE have not yet fully exhausted their capabilities. Application in them fuels based on a mixture of not kerosene and oxygen, but oxygen and liquefied natural gas, carried out by NGO experts “Energomash” calculations will give an additional increase in power in amount of 10%. So there are enough options. With favorable developments of the new Russian superheavy rocket class will be able to fly into the sky from the Vostochny spaceport already in next decade. Please note that at 2 September meeting, finally talked about really large-scale space exploration tasks. Now scientists have to decide not so much with the need to create super-heavy launch vehicles (the question is already decided) how much with the distribution of work on its creation between industry enterprises. It is necessary that the task proved to be valid for all organizations that engage in project. So that its complexity in the future does not become excuse for delays in creation or possible accidents. Exactly therefore, NPO Energomash, TsSKB Progress and RSC Energia should to combine their efforts using the existing backlog on LV Energia and “Rus-M”, and within 3-5 years to present an extra-heavy rocket. Such work, among other things, will allow you to load capacity all of these organizations, as well as a large number of other companies involved in the research and production process cooperation. Superheavy Class Booster May Be Required Russia to solve large space problems. For example, development Moon, flying to Mars, as well as renewing its own a manned program in return for participating in an international project. Also, the rocket can be used in the interests of programs on ensuring state security, like launching into orbit heavy automatic spacecraft “Pole” (Skif-DM). This satellite was once launched into superheavy orbit. rocket “Energy”.
Vladimir Putin Time Moon Mars Rocket Roscosmos Russia