In the images of the Apollo 10 mission found a giant UFO over the moon

In the pictures of the Apollo 10 mission found a giant UFO over the moonA photo from open sources

The famous ufologist Scott Waring never ceases to amaze his finds designed to prove to the world community the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations near us. The other day researcher examined images taken by Americans in May 1969 during the Apollo 10 mission, and unexpectedly discovered on three frames is something strange. Above the surface of the moon was distinctly captures a shapeless white object of very impressive dimensions. Waring wrote on his website:

On August 8, I discovered NASA’s 50-year-old ago this anomaly. This unidentified flying object is similar to some giant cosmic jellyfish spinning around its axis and fast changing shape. The UFO described is located strictly in the middle each frame, so I have no doubt that the astronauts NASA saw him perfectly and photographed on purpose. I am very curious what it could be. Possibly a spaceship aliens? Or a separate intelligent being? More we about it we learn, the more we want to know something else, while hidden and unknown …

A photo from open sources

Recall that the launch of the Apollo 10 spaceship was supposedly final (general) rehearsal before subsequent flights Americans to the moon, in the reality of which today’s world is very doubts – all this is a lunar conspiracy, which for some reason still not exposed by Russia. Some researchers take into question and a successful start to Selena lunar module without astronauts (Apollo 10), allegedly carried out in May 1969 year. The fact that the Americans then happened immediately several accidents, for example, fuel leaked from the start launch vehicle already in orbit in the transition tunnel leading to lunar module, lining peeled off, and much more – unpleasant and unforeseen. It is quite possible that NASA’s management was wise just do not take risks and do not try to launch a ship to the moon with astronauts. And everything else, including aliens, is the work of hands, as they say, clever operators: for credibility. therefore ufologists are quite possibly looking in vain in old photographs and video of Apollo missions presence of real aliens. If there if there are any “traces”, then they are nothing more than fake.

However, watch the video and draw conclusions yourself …

NASA Moon Russia Scott Waring

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