In the near future, humans will no longer be able to fly into the space

In the near future, earthlings will no longer be able to fly into spaceA photo from open sources

Creating more and more perfect spaceships, earthlings are few think that soon we simply will not be able to fly into space – due to space debris, which is increasingly accumulating on orbit the earth.

Already today there is a huge amount in the form spent parts of missiles, non-working satellites, various debris earthly origin and so on. Moreover, all this increases exponentially, and therefore soon through all this garbage it will be impossible to break into space. Wherein the number of artificial satellites on orbit.

A photo from open sources

Of course, some attempts in the fight against space debris are being undertaken. For example, Russia, the USA and China are developing various programs are looking for effective ways to destroy this garbage. So, American scientists are currently practicing space harpoon to collect space “waste”, but all this for now remains at the level of projects and ideas, while the development and not only are rockets launched into space today state-owned corporations of leading countries, but also numerous private companies.

Some scientists even express concern that space garbage around the Earth is dangerous in terms of attracting attention to our the planet from aliens. However this danger seems naive compared to the fact that we will soon not only go to the same moon, but even launch artificial satellites in order to ensure the urgent tasks of the earthly plan.

See the documentary for more details on this issue. below.

Rocket Time

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