A photo from open sources
In the picture, transmitted from Mars by the robot “Curiosity” (NASA Mars rover Curiosity) Internet researchers spotted levitating an object. Miracles, and only: it is clear that the stone soars in several centimeters from the surface, casting a shadow on it.
Photo from NASA’s website: a levitating stone just rushes into eyes.
A photo from open sources
There are no reasonable explanations for the Martian phenomenon. Of course, levitation is a real phenomenon that can be arranged with strong magnetic field. And literally hang objects in it, possessing diamagnetic properties. In contrast, for example, from a magnet does not attract nails such objects, but rather repels. As if squeezes out of places with a strong magnetic field to where it is weaker.
Experiments on levitation at one time conducted our compatriot 2010 Nobel Laureate in Physics Andrei Game, forcing to soar different objects – up to sausages and frogs. For which in 2000 he was awarded the Shnobel Prize. Levitation created by a magnetic field, the intensity of which is 10 million times exceeded the natural – earthly.
Mars does not even have natural magnetism, but to assume that someone created the field artificially, this is frank fantasy. Nearly like in the movie Avatar, in which whole rocks levitated, saturated with some exotic breed.
Of course, it’s easiest to assume that a stone is just like that looks, and the illusion of levitation creates a play of light and shadow. Piece itself rocks are flat and light, sticking out of a sandy slope, left side in the shadow. And the shadow on the surface is not a shadow at all, but a piece of dark breed. But if you look closely, it seems that the stone is still not in contact with the surface.
In a word, a riddle.
A picture with a levitating stone was taken on January 29, 2014 – on 527 day of “Curiosity” on Mars. Rover photographed two navigation cameras – left and right (Navcam: Left B and Navcam: Right B). Corresponding pictures – one and the other – are laid out on the official website of NASA. And let you look at the miracle stone under different angles. But no matter how you look, but still it seems that he soars.
Virtual archaeologists demonstrate a stone with one parties …
A photo from open sources
… and a little different. The impression does not change. It still seems that the stone soars.
A photo from open sources
By the way, a little ring-shaped object is noticeable a little bit from the stone. It also makes me think that it could be.
Even enlarging the image, you don’t understand how it works “focus” with levitation. Where is the optical illusion?
A photo from open sources
Stones Levitation Mars NASA