Photos from open sources of
Restless virtual archaeologists again found in old photographs, sent from Mars, something mysterious – now amazing in its the shape and coloring of the stone, something reminiscent of the head of a robot.
Firstly, the stone is blue-black, which sharply distinguishes it from the general masses of Martian mountain fragments. This alone makes this find unique because it gives reason to think – what kind of whether rock and stone at all, even if all mystical and fantastic theories.
A photo from open sources
Secondly, this almost black stone resembles the head of some little robot. Some Internet users have even discerned in it the head of Darth Vader from the movie “Star Wars” – to everyone, as they say, his own. In any case, at high magnification (see photo) can be seen on this fantastic Martian find eye sockets, nose and even something like a mouth with with teeth.
A photo from open sources
Whatever it is, independent researchers write, on the natural education black object does not look like. Maybe it’s just some kind of abandoned and broken figurine, and, apparently, completely small since the size of her head does not exceed three to four centimeters. It was for this reason that she could not previously found in the picture, for the same reason it was not removed NASA experts from it.
This mysterious artifact most likely just rolled out from somewhere outside when the rover left on the surface of Mars deep rut. And at the same time – accidentally got into the frame …
A photo from open sources
In any case, this is another confirmation that with Red the planet is not so simple, write virtual archaeologists, and if if we knew about it as much as NASA employees, forever extinct the most interesting from photographs, then would long ago have come to the conclusion that Mars is inhabited. By whom is another question. Rather total, the answer to it and makes American specialists space agency forever darken with pictures and juggle facts. It is clear that possessing secret knowledge is always nice and … useful.
Stones Mars NASA Robots