Photo from open sources
The fact that there are two Suns in the solar system, said no anyone, but the world-famous astronomer Paul Cox. For the first time he talked about it back in 2016, in the comments on the occasion passage of Mercury against the background of the Sun, but then its approval colleagues and other scientists took it as a joke – anything can happen in Scientific Council people also like to laugh.
But 2018 has already come, and Paul Cox continues to persevere to repeat this – in the solar system there is a second star. Moreover, he made an almost public statement about this:
No one suspects even the second Sun in our system of planets, but it is, it is already here. Such space organizations like NASA have long been aware of this, but hard hide this fact from the general public, however, they always telling people a lie …
A photo from open sources
Note that the second sun is depicted even on medieval engravings. Whether this is accidental, or the statements of a famous astronomer need to be taken seriously: he can’t be mistaken in this serious question, and even more so for the past two years to joke…
Conspirologists immediately remembered the mythical planet Nibiru, which perhaps astronomers take for the second Sun. However, no one with his own eyes, like Planet X, is constantly in the sky watching. However, recently photo and video materials on which two luminaries are captured, and all these abnormal phenomena do not lend themselves to any scientific explanation. However, do they confirm the existence of our solar system two stars?
Or maybe the second star, some are wondering fatalist astronomers exist in a parallel dimension, and in our the physical world, it only occasionally manifests itself? At certain periods, for example, the most catastrophic for the Earth. Abnormal celestial phenomena have recently become almost the norm, not Does all this indicate that the long-promised Apocalypse? Hence, there are two Suns, and the planet Nibiru and even the devil knows that – and putting all this into the framework of orthodox science does not it turns out …
Nibiru Time Sun Solar System