The universe often baffles scientists. However, it is often precisely phenomena representing the most tricky tasks for humans are able to bring science for real significant benefit. Here is a selection of recent discoveries in the field of space exploration, which so far cannot be explained. Photos from open Sources 1. The magnetic field of the moon
Photos from open sources The natural satellite of our planet does not has a magnetic field. However, as shown by recent studies, a similar condition has not always occurred. More four billion years ago, the core of the moon rotated, just as it happens inside the globe, in the direction against the mantle, creating a powerful magnetic screen. Of particular interest is that the fact that the strength of the moon’s field was much greater than at its terrestrial counterpart. No one can give a reasonable explanation. how such a small object could manifest such a pronounced magnetic activity. It seems that earlier on the moon special processes that allow such a strong magnetic field to appear. Most likely, the field disappeared about 3. 8-4 billion years ago and about scientists also find it difficult to judge the reasons for his disappearance. It’s amazing how difficult it is, despite the fact that the moon is so close, earthly researchers still have to look for answers to many fundamental questions of lunar geology. 2. Mysterious island on titan
Photos from open sources The largest satellite of Saturn, Titan, may be the most intriguing object of the solar system. The reason is that this planet is a an example of the most ancient Earth, with its atmosphere, liquid bodies and even supposed geological activity. In 2013 Cassini spacecraft showed scientists a whole new piece sushi mysteriously appeared in the middle of the second largest Sea of Titan. Soon after, Magic Island also inexplicably disappeared … And then it arose again, in addition to becoming significantly the largest. Such variability confirms the assumption that that the oceans and seas of Titan are dynamic components active environment, not the static characteristics of the planet. Not less, astronomers find it difficult to explain physical processes, responsible for the fluctuations of this mysterious land area. 3.Asteroid with rings
Photos from open sources All space gas giants surrounded by rings, although most of them have very insignificant proportions incomparable with the luxury of decoration Saturn. Recent astronomical news reports the existence of such rings around much smaller bodies. For instance, asteroid Hariklo, having a size of only 250 kilometers, is already It boasts of having its own ring system. More Moreover, this space object has as many as two “necklaces”. At that while some asteroids have several circling on their orbiting small satellites, Hariklo is unique in that it is the first body of its kind with real rings. 4. The Six-Tailed asteroid
Photos from open sources The Hubble telescope has shown one curious asteroid strangely resembling a comet. The latter is easy to recognize by the bright tail following it, then as asteroids usually do not have such capabilities, because in their the composition is dominated by heavy elements, stones and only very few ice. Therefore, the appearance in the field of scientific vision of the “caudate” an asteroid, and even not with one, but six peculiar loops, It was an incredible surprise for astronomers. Asteroid P / 2013 P5 – unique find: this body has six gushing jets, making it look like a lawn irrigation device. For now the behavior mechanism and device remains completely incomprehensible this object. One likely explanation is the assumption that the P5 spins so fast that it accidentally destroys itself. Its small mass is not suitable for the developed rotation force, which literally splits it into parts, and radiation from the resulting pressure takes the form of dazzling comet-like tails. 5. HD 106906b, the distant giant
Photos from open sources Planet HD 106906b 11 times more massive Jupiter, and its distance to its parent star is 650 astronomical units (a.u.). Lonely huddled on the outskirts Neptune’s solar system, by comparison, is from the sun at 30 AU, which is already considered a very significant remoteness. This fact forces scientists to question some aspects modern theories about the processes of formation of planets and ideas, whose conviction hitherto seemed unshakable. For example, forces responsible for creating planets at such great distances as as a rule, they are leveled, which makes it possible to judge with high probability that HD was created as a result of the collapse of the space debris ring. But this planet is too large for it to to happen. In addition, the primary discs of raw material that contribute to the birth of planets, just do not contain enough material for the production of giants such as HD. 6.Three Star System KIC 2856960
Photos from open sources Kepler Space Observatory, as usually busy looking for new planets nonetheless throughout for four years her work was devoted to tracking three Gravitationally bound stars known as KIC 2856960. KIC was considered an ordinary structure in which two small dwarf stars moved in the orbit of a third, single celestial body. However Kepler recorded that every day a couple of small stars intersects on its way every 6 hours, and at the same time there is a slight decrease in the light emitted by them every 204 days, caused by the layering of the bodies of a third star on them. No matter how they fought astronomers trying to calculate the masses of stars and the ratio of orbits, alas, it has not yet been possible to get a definite answer. Exist the most likely solution to the riddle presented, however, it has meaning only in the form of formulas, but not a logical model. The supposed answer seems almost unthinkable: the KIC system can contain a hidden fourth star. But in this case, its orbit should perfectly simulate the orbit of a third star, creating with it the illusion of a single object.
Time Moon Saturn Islands Solar System