Inhabited worlds in the universe can be much more than thought

“ThereA photo from open sources

Australian scientists have determined that the universe is many planets similar to Earth, so in the near future they discovery will be quite common.

The search for extraterrestrial life, as a rule, goes hand in hand with the search exoplanets. In particular, those planets that have the correct size, and are also at the most comfortable distance from their parent star to maintain the conditions necessary for life development. One of the most important questions they are trying to scientists answer – how many such worlds actually exist. A also, is life possible in such worlds, or is our world an exception. Australian scientists currently believe that they will be able to get answers to these questions by applying so called the Bode law. This law is an empirical a formula that describes the distances between the planets of the solar system and our own star the Sun. Calculation results scientists show that on average around each star can revolve one planet similar to our Earth and on which it can develop life. However, scientists also believe that our universe is not teeming with extraterrestrials with advanced intelligence, thanks to which humanoids could build radio telescopes and spacecraft. After all, if this were so, they would have long made themselves felt. Experts are trying to understand what kind of obstacle hinders development life on planets with conditions close to earthly. Also they are not reject the hypothesis that perhaps there are no obstacles, and once life on these planets flourished, just over time, intelligent civilizations destroyed themselves …

Australia Time Universe Life

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