A photo from open sources
There are still discussions on the Internet about whether or not Americans to the moon or not. The fact is that at that time (time Apollo lunar mission) Americans did not have space spacecraft with proper protection of astronauts from space radiation.
As stated by adviser to the President of the United States on science, David Gelernter (read about this special article on our portal), from the USA and today there are no space carriers that can protect people from the powerful exposure of the radioactive van allen belt, and in sixties their devices can be compared with foil products. Therefore, all plans for the exploration of the moon and even more so space in soon the professor at yale university seem to be least delusional, especially such a plan as sending to The red planet of the colonial volunteers who hatches the great adventurer of our time, Elon Musk.
A photo from open sources
Cosmic radiation is not the biggest problem. interplanetary travel
But as scientists have already established today, powerful radiation in the open space, this is not the main problem of long-range flights to develop other planets that we have imperfect terrestrial astronautics. how told reporters the other day the deputy director of the Space Center Kevin Fong University of Medicine, the most serious danger in outer space for astronauts will be microorganisms – fungi and bacteria.
The fact is, says the specialist, that microbes develop in space, on the one hand, as practice has shown (the same ISS), also easily, as on Earth, but on the other – in this new environment they are fast mutate and acquire completely unpredictable properties that becomes not only a great danger to humans, but simply catastrophic threat with unpredictable consequences for all those who are in outer space.
A photo from open sources
Moreover, in the case of some extreme situations, on Earth there is always the opportunity to connect in solving a problem institutes, universities, leading clinics of the world – practically the whole earthly potential of medicine and science as a whole. On interplanetary the ship will not have all of this. And at the same time create completely sterile conditions for the spacecraft are simply impossible.
Note that even before Kevin Fong’s statement, some scholars, for example the american microbiological society with surprise stated that in space even harmless terrestrial microorganisms can become very dangerous. For example, completely harmless Aspergillus fumigatus molds turn into a pathogen such a terrible disease as aspergillosis. In doing so, we absolutely do not know how in outer space all the others will behave microbes … And this despite the fact that the astronaut will have serious the influence of other negative effects of space, weakening it immunity…
So the colonial ambitions of earthlings, and especially Americans, today are not backed up by anything, and the same Elon Musk, emphasize scientists, practically collects on his Martian mission just suicides, without really explaining to people what they are subscribe …
Time Elon Musk Moon USA