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From school, we all know that in the solar system There are nine planets, including our mother Earth. In the textbooks in astronomy and in lectures at the planetarium in detail about these relatively well-studied celestial bodies on which absent – with the exception of our Blue Planet – familiar to us organic life forms. These planets were known to people. thousands of years ago. The ancient Sumerians and Persians, the Egyptians and Assyrians, Incas and Chinese. Tales and legends of nine heavenly gods exist even among the primitive tribes of Africa, Australia, as well as indigenous peoples of the Far North, Siberia, Kamchatka and North America. However, in almost every ancient culture, references to a certain celestial body that played in her life representatives a special role. Divine Nibiru among nations The traditions of how once high in northern China have survived a large golden boat appeared in the sky, from which it descended to the earth a god named Enlil. This god built the city of wisdom and gave secret knowledge to dedicated people. Similar in content, but much more ancient legends existed among the Sumerians who endowed the tenth the planet they called Nibiru, divine properties. Detailed information on this can be found in cuneiform inscriptions on clay tablets that were found in large numbers on territory of modern Iraq. The reasons are unknown … Astronomers of the XIX-XX centuries, who knew about these and similar legends, put forward various hypotheses regarding a mysterious planet. Alone scientists claimed that ancient people deified a certain comet, from time to time flying at an insignificant distance from the Earth. Others have suggested that millennia ago in the solar system there really was a tenth planet that by unknown Reasons died, causing a large number of meteorites. More from one version followed that for a long time around the sun revolved some large cosmic body, which because of its unstable trajectory, or under the influence of external gravitational forces left the solar system and went into deep space. Fancy hypotheses Starting in the second half of the 20th century, many scientists have become inclined to the fact that the mysterious tenth planet is still exists, appearing near the Earth through long time intervals. So, the Novosibirsk scientist Sergei Fedorovich Karnaukhov, who worked from 1979 to 1985 as an employee of Zelenchukskaya Astrophysical Observatory, in the mid 80-ies of the XX century put forward the hypothesis of the tenth existence in the solar system a planet having a very elongated orbit. To confirm your unusual hypothesis, the scientist began to collect facts that indirectly indicated on the existence of this planet, as well as its impact on development human civilization. A few years later speculation Soviet astrophysics was reinforced by the original theory American scientist Zachary Sitchin, who also said that in our star system there is another major planet, very rarely appearing in the sky, which had a decisive importance on the development of mankind. Unearthly genes of the earth people Theory 3. Sitchin was very peculiarly continued by his colleague Alan Alford, who believes that on this mysterious planet there are already hundreds thousand years ago, there was a highly developed technogenic civilization. According to A. Elford, its representatives first set foot to Earth 272 183 years ago when the tenth planet once again appeared at a close distance from us, and … created the first people to be seen as an effective working strength. In support of his hypothesis, A. Alford cited the conclusions geneticists, according to which the human genome, consisting of 30-35 thousand genes, 99% coincide with the chimpanzee genome and 70% with mouse genome. In addition, some human genes are identical. genes of invertebrate animals, plants, yeast and mold. But u modern man has 223 genes that no longer exist one living creature on Earth, and which, accordingly, are not could appear as a result of terrestrial evolution. According to A. Elford’s research and assumptions, 18 thousand years after the aliens built their first visit to the Earth in Mesopotamia the first city is Eris, the memory of which is still preserved in ancient legends … The reason for the Flood At the turn 80-90s of the last century Karnaukhov with a number like-minded scientists, including the doctor physical and mathematical sciences Andrey Platonovich Kraev, created a mathematical model of this mysterious planet. Results surprised scientists. In particular, it was theoretically established: this planet, which has the name of a number of peoples Nibiru (translated from ancient Sumerian means “Intersection”), makes one revolution around the sun for 3600 years. While the most distant planet, of the famous modern astronomers, – Pluto – turns around around our star for 247 years. Estimated Nibiru mass equal to the four masses of planet Earth, and the greatest distance the distance of the tenth planet from the Sun is three times that which Pluto is moving away from our star. Mathematical model also showed that the last time Nibiru was at the very close to the Earth, equal to 12 million kilometers, 10 983 BC e. According to biblical sources, this is exactly what time on our planet and there was a global flood that destroyed almost the entire earthly civilization, as well as most of the animal and the plant world. Chinese tradition of the golden boat and the wise the god Enlil, who built the city, dates from the II century BC. According to the calculations of S.F. Karnaukhova, the last time the planet Nibiru was approaching the Earth in 183 BC. Curious and what during excavations conducted by Chinese archaeologists in the mountainous terrain of Inner Altai in the second half of the 70s of the last century, the ruins of an ancient settlement were discovered, residents which is supposed to have a very high culture. Perhaps the City of Wisdom has disappeared from the face of the earth as a result of catastrophic earthquake in North China in III century AD e., which beyond recognition changed the landscape terrain. Fatal encounter with the Earth Why is it still the mysterious tenth planet could not be found by any of famous modern astronomy instruments? Perhaps consider S.F. Karnaukhov and A.P. The edges around Nibiru have a certain field, not allowing radio waves to detect it. And the distance at which she located at present from the Earth, does not allow detect it with modern optical instruments. According to calculations Russian scientists, the next appearance of the tenth planet next to us should be expected only in 3417. However, as follows from mathematical model of Karnaukhov-Kraev, about 350 years ago the mysterious planet Nibiru has overcome the farthest point of its trajectory and is now rapidly approaching the Earth. Considering the swiftness of scientific and technological progress, possibly through 400-500 years is a cosmic body unknown until astronomy will see through the telescopes of the future. And at the beginning of the next for millennia earthlings will begin to feel the impact the gravitational forces of the tenth planet. It is possible that it will be expressed in a serious change in climate and atmospheric composition, geological and man-made disasters, the emergence of new species flora and fauna. Whereas in once again Nibiru will approach the Earth for a record short a distance of nine million kilometers, it is possible that humanity expects another Flood, after which a new round of development of human civilization will begin. When making the worst forecasts our planet fast enough will descend from its orbit and go into free space a journey that forever destroys all organic life forms on The earth. Sergey Kozhushko, Secrets of the twentieth century
Time Life China Nibiru Pluto Sun Solar System