Is music playing on the far side of the moon?

Is music playing on the far side of the moon?Photos from open sources of

As is known, the manned spacecraft Apollo 10 made in May 1969 the final test flight on natural satellite of the Earth before NASA launched its glorified lunar expedition. It happened two months before how astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. Flight Apollo 10 is shrouded in many rumors. For example, there is the widespread belief that Americans met then with alien life forms.

However, it is still impossible to prove it, but there is another interesting event accompanying the final test a visit to the moon and it has been officially documented astronauts. The fact is that the employees of the American national space agency flying near the back side of the celestial body, heard mysterious sounds similar to to the music. At the same time, the terrestrial radio frequencies simply could not reach capsules.

A photo from open sources

Sounds appeared in the crew’s headphones when the spacecraft made a round-the-clock flight of the back of the satellite, outside terrestrial broadcasting. Records made at Apollo 10, recorded both inexplicable music and the reaction to it puzzled earthlings. “What is that whistle? Do you hear it?” – asks one astronaut. “Sounds like music from some other galaxies, “suggests the second.” It’s all very strange, ” claims their companion. After this the crew a few minutes discusses whether to report strange frequencies in audio equipment to the authorities.

Sounds were heard for about an hour – just the whole time the capsule flew near the side of the moon opposite the Earth. Unknown to what decision did the astronauts make, however it’s obvious that they don’t would have managed to hide this incident from NASA leadership. When Apollo 10 returned home, the record was removed from the ship and frozen until recently.

Following the release of this 1969 incident information told in the famous American TV show “NASA’s Unexplained Files “on the Science channel. Invited experts suggested that everything could be to blame magnetic field, but other experts have ruled out such a opportunity, recalling that the moon has a very weak atmosphere, and there is no magnetic field at all.

NASA Moon Time

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