Is the birth of man in space possible?

Is it possible for a person to be born in spacePhotos from open sources of

We absolutely do not know how the human body will behave in far space (and not in the orbit of our blue ball), completely breaking away from the earth. It is possible that such a gap in general deadly to humans, but because flying to other planets will require fundamentally different approaches, other knowledge and completely unknown today us skills.

However, according to many scientists, one must begin with something long space travels beyond the borders of the native Earth. Specialists from the Dutch company SpaceLife Origin, for example, believe that first things first, if we seriously think about colonization of other worlds, one should study the features of reproduction man in space, even at first only in the orbit of the Earth. With this goal, the company begins an experiment that will have to end in 2024.

At the first stage, scientists plan to launch into the Earth’s orbit female egg and male sperm, combining them in conditions of space. After the fertilization of the egg, it will be returned to Earth and planted to a voluntary surrogate mother.

This is necessary, says SpaceLife Origin CEO Kees Mulder to understand how an unborn baby is affected conception in space. And only after that you can proceed to the second stage of the experiment – the birth of a baby directly in orbit Of the earth.

As the journalists found out, even the first stage of this experiment will require at least 5 million dollars, while birth child in space – this is several times big financial attachments. However, Dutch scientists believe that the sheepskin is worth production, especially if all these costs are compared with today’s multibillion investments in space tourism, which, according to by and large, will not give humanity anything but one more species entertainment for rich people. But their experiment, they say, should to reveal to people the secret of the birth of man in space.

However, many world scientists, and in particular independent researchers of our not-so-simple world, very skeptical of Kees Mulder’s team plans because orbital space and flights to other planets (even our Solar systems, not to mention something more distant) – this fundamentally different things. At the level of everyday perception of space it seems almost identical, but in outer space, like well-known practitioners directly involved in the launch various research satellites, many earthly laws stop working, for example, everyone’s famous Newton’s third law – The law of gravity. And therefore, experts counting interplanetary flights of satellites are guided by completely different reference systems, jokingly saying that yes, it contradicts fundamental laws of physics, but in a different way just don’t it turns out.

At the same time, let’s get back to where we started this a short note, that is, how the human body behaves, divorced from the habitual environment (established earthly laws), no one can’t even suggest since people’s travel experiences beyond the limits of the Earth’s orbit are simply not there, not to mention breeding in outer space. It is possible that a person is in that state (developmental stages) in which he is now, generally not capable of space travel …

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