Is the moon artificially created heavenly body?

Is the moon an artificially created celestial body?A photo from open sources

As our knowledge of our near future grows space satellite, oddities in his behavior attract everyone more attention Is the moon hollow? What if it is created artificially, and a thick layer of dust only covers throughout billions of years its metal surface?

imagesA photo from open sources

Such theories attract the interest of many as scientists continue to study the moon and learn new facts about her structure and processes occurring on it.

Let’s look at some strange features of the moon.

1. Reverb: Is the moon hollow?

NASA hit the moon in 1969 – so that mission astronauts Apollo 12 were able to measure the arising seismic waves. And these shock waves shocked researchers.

The vibrations lasted for an hour and started as small waves gradually gaining strength – this is very different from any seismic phenomena ever recorded on Earth.

Dr. Ross Taylor, who participated in the study of samples, collected by the Apollo 11 mission, stated that these continued reverbs are a consequence of the extremely dry nature of the lunar soil. “As far as we know today, there is no moon humidity, and nothing absorbs the resulting vibrations. Surface The moon is covered with stones and this allows the transmission of seismic waves, not repaying them, as it would be on Earth. Actually, this is a consequence of the extreme dryness of the moon. ”

Astronomer from Stoneibrook University Suniti Karunatillaki believes that if the moon was hollow, then given its size, it would not be dense enough to provide that force the gravity that it creates.

2. Anomalous orbit

Italian physicist Lorenzo Iorio published in the almanac “Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society “2011 article, dedicated to the “abnormal behavior” of the moon.

According to him, small permanent changes in the lunar orbit impossible to explain within the existing astrophysical paradigms. The eccentricity of the lunar orbit is growing. (Eccentricity – this is a measure of the deviation of the orbit from the ideal circle).

In the conclusions of his article, Iorio writes: “The question of finding satisfactory explanation for abnormal behavior the eccentricity of the moon remains open today. ”

3. Convex lunar craters

Some lunar craters are curved (i.e. their surface bends outward), but not concave, which, according to many, speaks of the presence of a hard (artificial) shell under the surface layer soil. When a meteor crashes into the moon, it’s logical to expect on it the appearance of a concave crater.

Charles Wood of the Department of Geological Sciences at the University Brown, investigated this question and in 1978 suggested that these the curved craters were apparently created by lava, which once seeped through faults on the surface of the moon.

4. The moon stabilizes the oscillations of the Earth

It is not known whether this was done by someone intentionally or not – but the Moon renders a considerable service to the Earth.

“The moon stabilizes the oscillations of the Earth, which leads to the formation of our planet has a more stable climate, “explains NASA.

Dr. Eric Christian and Beth Barbier of NASA talk more in detail: “The moon adds resistance to the rotation of the Earth in the form of tides – oceanic and inland. This is optional resistance stabilizes the rotation of our planet. It also it slows down a little, which in turn increases a little the length of the day on Earth. ”

5. Match in size

If you look at the parameters of the moon, the sun and the earth, we will see one the same numbers. The diameter of the sun is about 400 times the diameter The moon; and the moon is about 400 times closer to the earth than the sun.

The diameter of the Sun is approximately equal to 108 diameters of the Earth; distance between the Earth and the Sun is approximately equal to 108 diameters of the Sun.

Moon Diameter: 3,400 km

Diameter of the Sun: 1,391,000 km

Earth Diameter: 12.756 km

Distance from the moon to the earth: 360,000 km

The total distance between the Sun and the Earth (sometimes it’s greater, sometimes less): 149,600,000 km

NASA’s Moon Sun

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